
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Investigation of Possible Usage of Electric Arc Furnace Dust in Cement Industry # Journal
A comparative evaluation of welding consumables for dissimilar welds between 310 austenitic stainless steel and Inconel 657 # Journal
Effect of solution annealing on weldability of aged alloy 800/25Cr-35Ni steel dissimilar welds # Journal
Formation Mechanism of MoSi2 in the Presence of Copper by Combustion Synthesis Study in Thermal Explosion Mode # Journal
Microstructural characterization of dissimilar welds between Alloy 800 and HP heat-resistant steel # Journal
Three-dimensional Thermal Simulation and Experimental Investigation of GTAW Circumferentially Butt-welded Incoloy800 Pipes. # Journal
Investigation of MoSi2 formation in the presence of copper by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis # Journal
Improving weldability of the aged 25Cr-35Ni heat resistant steel/alloy 800 dissimilar welds # Journal
Hot Chage of Continously Cast Alabs in Reheating Furnaces # Journal
Effect of Conventional Heat Treatment on Wear Resistant of AISI H13 Tool Steel # Journal
Hyper Activation of Bentonite in Pelletizing Process # Journal
Influence of Ni Interlayers on Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co) Frichtion Welds # Journal
Development of Ni-Al and Ni-Al-Fe Intermetallic Coatings # Journal
Evaluation of transient liquid phase bonding of Hastelloy C276 and 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel using the BNi-2 interlayer Conference
The assessment of growth kinetics in the intermetallic layers of Al-AlxNiy-Ni laminate composites Conference
Electrochemical characterization of electroplated Ni-Mo and Ni-Mo-P alloy coated stainless steel bipolar plates for PEMFC Conference
Preparation and Characterization of Biohybrid Poly (3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) based Nanofibrous Scaffolds Conference
Synthesis of Cr3C2 by a combination of mechanical alloying and annealing Conference
Microstructure Features and Mechanical Properties of Al Matrix Nanocomposite Reinforced by Nano-And Micron Sized Al2o3 Particulates Developed by Spark Plasma Sintering Conference
Study on the formation mechanism of nanostructured chromium carbide during mechanical alloying Conference