
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Small scale effect on the vibration of orthotropic plates embedded in an elastic medium and under biaxial in-plane pre-load via nonlocal elasticity theory # Journal
Effects of nonlocal elasticity and slip condition on vibration of nano-plate coupled with fluid flow # Journal
Influences of Tool Pin Profile and Tool Shoulder Curvature on The Formation of Friction Stir Welding Zone in AA6061 Aluminium Alloy # Journal
Wave Propagation Approach to Fluid Filled Submerged Visco-Elastic Finite Cylindrical Shells # Journal
A Frequency Response Based Structural Damage Localization Method Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition # Journal
Swing Angle Estimation for Anti-Sway Overhead Crane Control Using Load Cell # Journal
Free vibration analysis of multi-directional functionally graded circular and annular plates # Journal
Transverse vibration of a multiple-Timoshenko beam system with intermediate elastic connections due to a moving load # Journal
Chaotic vibration analysis of rotating flexible continuous shaft -disk system with a rub-impact between the disk and the stator # Journal
Vibration Analysis of Tapered Rotating Composite Beams Using the Hierarchical Finite Element # Journal
Repair of a cracked Timoshenko beam subjected to a moving mass piezoelectric patches # Journal
A Structural Damage Detection Technique Based on Measured Frequency Response Functions # Journal
Dynamic Analysis and Critical Speed of Pressurized Rotating Composite Laminated Conical Shells Using Generalized Differential Quadrature Method # Journal
VIbration Analysis of Beam with Open and Breathing Cracks Subjected to moving Masses # Journal
Free vibrations of rotating composite conical shells with stringer and ring stiffeners # Journal
Free vibration of undamped Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams by using spectral finite element method for different boundary conditions Conference
Using spectral finite element method for time domain analysis of Timoshenko beam under concentrated impulse load Conference
Rotordynamic Analysis of a Small Rotor-Bearing System Conference
Virtual Leader-Follower Formation Control of Multi Quadrotors by using Feedback Linearization Controller Conference