Performance of two types of concrete containing waste silica sources under MgSO4 attack evaluated by durability index
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Investigating the effects of bacterial activity on compressive strength and durability of natural lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with steel fibers
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A review on performance of polyester fibers in alkaline and cementitious composites environments
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Cyclic behavior of strong beam-weak column joints strengthened with different configurations of CFRP sheets
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Effects of openings on the punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs
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Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on FRP-Concrete Bond Strength in EBR and EBROG Systems
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Behavior of RC columns confined with CFRP using CSB method under cyclic axial compression
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Effective strain of CFRP in RC beams strengthened in shear with NSM reinforcements
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Strengthening of RC columns by ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) jacketing
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Investigation of flexural performance of concrete reinforced with indented and fibrillated macro polypropylene fibers based on numerical and experimental comparison
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Bacillus subtilis bacteria used in fiber reinforced concrete and their effects on concrete penetrability
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Influential Effect of Self-Healing Treatment on Water Absorption and Electrical Resistance of Normal and Light Weight Aggregate Concretes
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Experimental and analytical study on flexural strengthening of RC beams via prestressed EBROG CFRP plates
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Investigation of flexural and shear behaviors of biaxial voided slabs containing steel cages
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Behavior of thin lightly reinforced flat slabs under concentric loading
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Inquiry into bond behavior of CFRP sheets to concrete exposed to elevated temperatures - Experimental & analytical evaluation
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Empirical FRP-concrete effective bond length model for externally bonded reinforcement on the grooves
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Effect of the EBROG method on strip-to-concrete bond behavior
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Innovative warp and woof strap (WWS) method to anchor the FRP sheets in strengthened concrete beams
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Steel chip and porcelain ceramic wastes used as replacements for coarse aggregates in concrete
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