
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of FRP strengthening on the behavior of shear walls with opening Conference
An Alternative Method to Surface Preparation To Postpone Debonding of FRP Laminates Conference
Effect of Bar Sizes on Debonding Load of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Laminates Conference
Effect of Elimination of Concrete Surface Preparation on the Debonding of FRP Laminates Conference
M-P Curves for Strengthened Concrete Columns With Active Confinement Conference
Strengthening of RC beams using anchored prestressed near surface mounted (NSM) FRP bars Conference
Effect of Drying and Wetting Cycles on Durability of Concrete Containing Slag and Limestone Powder under Magnesium Sulfate Ions Conference
FE Modelling of FRP Strengthened RC Joints Conference
Effect of Chemical Ingredients of Seawater (Sulfate and Chloride) on Concrete Containing Silica Fume Conference
Estimation of Modulus of Elasticity of HP/HS Concrete Conference
Static Vibration and Buckling of Anistropic Composite Shells with Arbitrary Planforms Conference
Moment Redistribution in Continuous FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams Conference
Critical Analysis of Current Shear Design Methods for FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams Conference
رفتار محوري و خمشي ستون هاي بتن آرمه ي تقويت شده با كامپوزيت هاي FRP با استفاده از روش نوار گوشه-دورپيچ # Journal
آزمايش برش مستقيم-اتصال پيش تنيده جهت ارزيابي رفتار اتصال FRP پيش تنيده به بتن # Journal
بررسي رفتار اتصال ورق FRP و مهارهاي FRP بادبزني # Journal
بررسي اتصال پيش تنيده FRP به بتن با روش شيار زني # Journal
تأثير مهار بر رفتار اتصال FRP به بتن در روشهاي EBR و EBROG # Journal
تاثير چرخه يخ زدن - آب شدن بر مقاومت اتصال نمونه هاي بتني تقويت شده به روش هاي EBR و EBROG # Journal
ساخت كامپوزيت هاي سيماني مهندسي (ECC) با استفاده از مصالح داخلي و تسليح آن ها با استفاده از بافته هاي شيشه # Journal