
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Flow injection analysis determination of ascorbic acid with spectrofluorimetric detection # Journal
Flow Injection Fluorimetric Determination of Hydrazine # Journal
Flow Injection Determination of Hydrazine with Fluorimetric Detection # Journal
Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Sulphide # Journal
Automatic Liquid-liquid Extraction Flow Injection Analysis Determination of Ultra-Trace Amounts of Perchlorate With Spectrophotometric Detection # Journal
Determination of Trace Amounts of Nitrite by Catalytic-Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method # Journal
Spectrophotometric Flow Injection Determination of Thiocyanate # Journal
Catalytic Determination of Ultratrace Amounts of Vanadium with Detection by Linear Sweep Voltammetry # Journal
Flow Injection Determination of Silver with Spectrophotometric Detection # Journal
Flow Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Ultra Trace Amounts of Selenium(IV) # Journal
Highly Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Ultra Trace Amounts of Selenium # Journal
Flow Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrazine # Journal
Catalytic Kinetic Determination of Ultra Trace Amounts of Silver with Spectrophtometric Detection # Journal
Spectrophotometric Flow Injection Determination of Osmium # Journal
Determination of Vanadium by Flow Injection Analysis with Spectrophotometric Detection # Journal
A Novel And Highly Sensitive Catalytic Method for the Determination of Ultratrace Amounts of Cerium # Journal
Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrazine # Journal
Determination of Amounts of Thiosulfate with Application of the Induced Iodine/Azide Reaction # Journal
Highly Sensitive Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Osmium by its Catalytic Effect on the Oxidation of Gallocyanine by Bromate # Journal
Spectrophotometric Reaction Rate Method for the Determination of Nitrite by Catalytic Action on Nile Blue A Bromate Reaction # Journal