Towards an integrated system modeling of water scarcity with projected changes in climate and socioeconomic conditions
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A framework for drought adaption under deep uncertainties: Application of Portfolio theory (Markowitz 2.0)
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Fossil water: Last resort to resolve long-standing water scarcity?
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Optimization of Water-Energy-Food Nexus considering CO2 emissions from cropland: A case study in northwest Iran
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Regional Frequency Analysis of Drought Severity and Duration in Karkheh River Basin - Iran Using Univariate L-Moments Method
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Temporal correction of irregular observed intervals of groundwater level series using interpolation techniques
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A probabilistic Bayesian framework to deal with the uncertainty in hydro-climate projection of Zayandeh-Rud River Basin
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Adaptation of Water Resources System to Water Scarcity and Climate Change in the Suburb Area of Megacities
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Impacts of Climate Change on Low Flows at Tang Panj Sezar Subbasin Southwest of Iran
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System Dynamics Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Resources Management in Central Iran
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Water transfer as a solution to water shortage A fix that can Backfire
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Climate change impacts on crop production in Iran s Zayandeh-Rud River Basin
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Uncertainty Analysis in Climate Change Projection Using Bayesian Approach
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