
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Estimation of Open-end Cotton Yarn Strength from Fiber Physical Characteristics # Journal
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cotton Fabrics with Weft Yarns Produced by Different Spinning Systems # Journal
Fundamental Parameters Affecting Yarn-pullout Behavior # Journal
Assessing of Fabric Appearance Changes Using Image Processing Techniques # Journal
Study of Fundamental Factors Affecting Fabric Surface Protrusion # Journal
Evaluation of Optimum Performance of Plain Weave Fabrics Woven from Cotton Yarns Produced by Different Spinning Systems # Journal
Fourier Transform Analysis of Plain Weave Fabric Appearance # Journal
Spectral Analysis of the Yarn-Pullout Force from Plain-Weave Fabric # Journal
Spectral Analysis of the Stick-Slip Motion of Dynamic Friction in the Fabric Surface # Journal
Preparation of Porous Nanofibers from Electrospund Polyacrylonitrile/Calcium Carbonate Composite Nanofibers using Porogen Leaching Technique # - Journal
Study of electrospinning of sodium alginate blended solutions of sodium... # - Journal
Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticle on Wicking Phenomenon in PAN Nanofiber Yarns Conference
The effect of electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66 on micro hardness of dental composites Conference
The effect of electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66 on the 3-point bending of dental composites Conference
Thermo-regulating Core-shell Nano/micro Fibrous Structures Conference
Improved performance of dental composite by electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66 Conference
The effect of nylon 6 nanofiber on the dental composite adhesion and hardness Conference
Study of various parameters affecting photocatalytic dye degradation efficiency of methylene blue via TiO2 nanoparticles in cross-flow process Conference
Investigation on effects of different parameters on aerosol filtration of Nanofibrous filters Conference
Feasibility of PVA/Casein nanofiber yarn production Conference