
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
An investigation into validation of deep drawing with ABS Conference
Investigation of the Influence of the Parameters Affecting the Accuracy of the Moving Least Square Approximation Conference
Elasto-Plastic Element Free Galerkin Method by Using Penalty Function Conference
Ductile simulation of punchless piercing process using Gurson and Lemaitre coupled damage models Conference
Investigation on the influence of the parameters affecting the accuracy of MLS approximation Conference
Application of high order basies functions in solid mechanics by E.F.G Conference
Application of High Order Basis Functions in Solid Mechanics by Element Free Galerkin (EFG) Method Conference
Effect of Bauschinger Phenomenon on Residual Stresses in Thick-Walled Cylinders Conference
Analysis of Quasi-Static Problems in Coupled Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM Conference
Boundary Element Analysis of 3-D Problems in Coupled Thermoelasticity Conference
A New Boundary Element Method of Quasi-Static Coupled Thermoelasticity Conference
A New BEM for Quasi-Static Coupled Thermoelastic Problems Conference
Analysis of 3-D Problems of Coupled Quasi-Static Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM Conference
Analysis of 3-D Problems of Coupled Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM Conference
بررسي رفتار مكانيكي صفحات نانو گرافن كامل و يا با نقص ساختاري با استفاده از روش المان محدود مرزي مقياس شده # Journal
تحليل انتشار امواج الاستيك درون هدايت كننده كريستال فونونيك فولاد- اپوكسي به كمك روش تفاضل محدود بر مبناي جابه جايي # Journal
توزيع تنش پسماند در ريل فولادي U 33پس از پروسه صافكاري # Journal
تحليل و بررسي ميزان انحناي خروجي ورق در فرآيند نورد سرد ورقهاي دو لايه آلومينيوم-فولاد # Journal
بررسي تغيير ضخامت بيلوزهاي فلزي توليد شده به روش هيدروفرمينگ از لوله هاي جدار نازك فولاد ضد زنگ 316L # Journal
بررسي تحليلي، تجربي و شبيه سازي تاثير فشار داخلي فرآيند هيدروفرمينگ بر بيلوزهاي فلزي توليد شده از لوله هاي جدار نازك فولاد ضد زنگ 316L # Journal