An investigation into validation of deep drawing with ABS
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Investigation of the Influence of the Parameters Affecting the Accuracy of the Moving Least Square Approximation
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Elasto-Plastic Element Free Galerkin Method by Using Penalty Function
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Ductile simulation of punchless piercing process using Gurson and Lemaitre coupled damage models
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Investigation on the influence of the parameters affecting the accuracy of MLS approximation
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Application of high order basies functions in solid mechanics by E.F.G
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Application of High Order Basis Functions in Solid Mechanics by Element Free Galerkin (EFG) Method
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Effect of Bauschinger Phenomenon on Residual Stresses in Thick-Walled Cylinders
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Analysis of Quasi-Static Problems in Coupled Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM
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Boundary Element Analysis of 3-D Problems in Coupled Thermoelasticity
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A New Boundary Element Method of Quasi-Static Coupled Thermoelasticity
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A New BEM for Quasi-Static Coupled Thermoelastic Problems
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Analysis of 3-D Problems of Coupled Quasi-Static Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM
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Analysis of 3-D Problems of Coupled Thermoelasticity by the Laplace-Transform BEM
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بررسي رفتار مكانيكي صفحات نانو گرافن كامل و يا با نقص ساختاري با استفاده از روش المان محدود مرزي مقياس شده
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تحليل انتشار امواج الاستيك درون هدايت كننده كريستال فونونيك فولاد- اپوكسي به كمك روش تفاضل محدود بر مبناي جابه جايي
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توزيع تنش پسماند در ريل فولادي U 33پس از پروسه صافكاري
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تحليل و بررسي ميزان انحناي خروجي ورق در فرآيند نورد سرد ورقهاي دو لايه آلومينيوم-فولاد
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بررسي تغيير ضخامت بيلوزهاي فلزي توليد شده به روش هيدروفرمينگ از لوله هاي جدار نازك فولاد ضد زنگ 316L
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بررسي تحليلي، تجربي و شبيه سازي تاثير فشار داخلي فرآيند هيدروفرمينگ بر بيلوزهاي فلزي توليد شده از لوله هاي جدار نازك فولاد ضد زنگ 316L
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