
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Study on the Micro-Texture and Anisotropy of a Cold-Rolled and Intercritically Annealed DP800 Steel 10.1134/S0031918X22601081 Journal
Effect of Post-weld Intercritical Annealing on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel 10.1007/s11665-023-08122-x Journal
Evaluation of Short-Term Oxidation Mechanism of Laser Cladded Ni-Cr-C Coating on Titanium Aluminide Substrate 10.1007/s11085-023-10154-6 Journal
Damage Micromechanisms in Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel during Uniaxial Tensile Deformation 10.1007/s11665-022-06978-z Journal
Effect of Post-Weld Intercritical Annealing on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Gas Tungsten Arc Welded DP700 Steel 20.1001.1.2322388.2021. Journal
Microstructure and oxidation behavior of NiCr-chromium carbides coating prepared by powder-fed laser cladding on titanium aluminide substrate # Journal
Investigation of powder fed laser cladding of NiCr-chromium carbides single-tracks on titanium aluminide substrate # Journal
Synthesis of Ni(Cr)-hBN Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying and Its Thermodynamical Evaluation # Journal
Fabrication of Bulk (Fe,Cr)3Al\/Al2O3 Intermetallic Matrix Nanocomposite Through Mechanical Alloying and Sintering 10.1007/s40195-016-0465-3 Journal
Thermodynamic analysis of nanostructured (Fe,Cr)3Al formation during mechanical alloying 10.1080/14328917.2015.1109174 Journal
Synthesis of (Fe,Cr)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite through mechanochemical combustion reaction induced by ball milling of Cr, Al and Fe2O3 powders 10.1016/j.apt.2013.06.006 Journal
In-Situ Synthesis of Alumina Reinforced (Fe,Cr)3Al Intermetallic Matrix Nanocomposite 10.1080/10426914.2012.663141 Journal
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline (Fe,Cr)3Al Powder by Mechanical Alloying 10.1080/10426914.2011.585501 Journal
Synthesis of Cr3C2 by a combination of mechanical alloying and annealing Conference
Study on the formation mechanism of nanostructured chromium carbide during mechanical alloying Conference
Nanostructured Ni(Cr) solid solution produced by mechanical alloying Conference
Fabrication and characterization of NiCr-hBN nanocomposite using mechanical alloying Conference
سنتز و مشخصه يابي قطعات بالك آلياژ نانوساختار Ni-20Cr توليد شده به روش تفجوشي پلاسمايي جرقه اي Conference
ساخت و مشخصه يابي نانوكامپوزيت20%vol.Al2O3-(Fe,Cr)3Al به روش مكانوشيميايي Conference
ساخت و مشخصه يابي تركيب بين فلزي (Fe,Cr)3Al نانوساختار به روش آلياژسازي مكانيكي Conference