Title | DOI | Year | Month | type | Conference Title |
Synthesis of Cr3C2 by a combination of mechanical alloying and annealing | 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 | 2017 | 10 | Conference | 9th International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying (INCOME 2017) |
Study on the formation mechanism of nanostructured chromium carbide during mechanical alloying | 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 | 2017 | 06 | Conference | International Conference on Nanoscience Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (IC2NM) |
Fabrication and characterization of NiCr-hBN nanocomposite using mechanical alloying | 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 | 2017 | 05 | Conference | 8th World - International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WICSET2017) |