
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Persistence recovery and root traits of tall fescue genotypes with different flowering date under prolonged water stress # Journal
Screening and Selection of Twenty Iranian Wheatgrass Genotypes for Tolerance to Salinity Stress during Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Stage # Journal
Magnitude of inbreeding depression and genetic variation analysis of agro-morphological traits in orchardgrass # Journal
Analysis of seed production and its association with forage production and agronomic traits in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) under different moisture conditions # Journal
Effects of Drought Stress on Oil Characteristics of Carthamus Species # Journal
Productivity persistence and traits related to drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass # Journal
Comparison of Deficit Irrigation Management Strategies on Root Plant Growth and Biomass Productivity of Silage Maize # Journal
Association analysis of molecular markers with traits under drought stress in safflower # Journal
Growth characteristics of Artemisia sieberi influenced by super absorbent polymers in texturally different soils under water stress condition 10.1080/03650340.2016.1256473 Journal
Physiological and Tolerance Indices Useful for Drought Tolerance Selection in Smooth Bromegrass # Journal
Response of different species of Brassica to water deficit # Journal
Genetic analysis of seed related traits in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis) under well-watered and water-stressed conditions # Journal
Simultaneous selection for seed and forage production in cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) application of drought tolerance and susceptibility indices # Journal
Survival and recovery of tall fescue genotypes association with root characteristics and drought tolerance # Journal
Oil and seed yield stability in a worldwide collection of safflower under arid environments of Iran # Journal
Impact of endophytic fungi on seed and seedling characteristics in tall and meadow fescues # Journal
The possibility of use of AFLP molecular markers and phenotypic traits to increase forage yield in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) breeding # Journal
Study of genotype by environment interaction in tall fescue genotypes and their polycross progenies in Iran based on AMMI model analysis # Journal
Selection for productivity persistence and drought tolerance in orchardgrass # Journal
Effect of the interaction of water and nitrogen on sunflower under drip irrigation in an arid region # Journal