
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Synthesis of a Nano-structured Silica Aerogel Powder and Sound Absorption Evaluation of its compounded form with a Polyester Nonwoven Conference
Electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by a dinuclear Rheniu m (r) complex [Re CI (CO) 3 (p_tptzH) Re (CO) 3] Conference
A Novel Method to Manufacture Superhydrophobic and Insulating Polyester Nanofibers via a Meso-Porous Aerogel Powder Conference
Crystal Structure of Ni(II) complex with 2 2 -Dipyridylamine ligand Conference
Crystal Structure of Ni(II) complex with Ph2phen ligand Ni(Ph2phen)3 (PF6)2.CH3CN Conference
a fast response potentiometric PVC membrane sensor for selective determination of Sm3 based on 1 3-di(thiophene imino)benzoic acid Conference
Hexa Coordinated of Zn(II) with 1 10-phenanthroline- 5 6-dione Conference
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ni(phen) (dipic)H2O .4H2O Conference
Synthesis and structure of CuII polypyridine complex with phenylcyanamide ligand Conference
Crystal Structure of Cyclometalated Rhodium(III) complex with phen dione ligand Rh(n2- phpy)2(phen-dione) PF6 Conference
Crystal structure of Cu(terpy)(phen-dione) (PF6)2 Conference
Synthesis and structure of novel bipyridine type ligand.LL N N-bis-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-naphthalene-1 5-diamine Conference
Novel Ruthenium Catalyst Supported on the Lanthanum Oxide for the Synthesis of Ammonia and Studies Effect of Potassium as a Promoter Conference
Immobilization of H4SiMo12O40 multilayer and transition metal complexes on glassy carbon electrode modified with carbon nanotube Conference
Cyclic voltammetry of the novel cyclometalated Rh(III) complex rh(n2-phpy)2(phen-dione) PF6 Conference
سنتز و شناسايي رنگدانه هاي جديد ازو مس(اا) و روي (اا) # Journal
يك روش اقتصادي جديد براي تهيه سيليكات هاي قليايي محلول در آب از ماده اوليه كوارتز # Journal
بررسي اثر غلظت كلريد منيزيم در ميكرو ساختار و خواص استحكامي سيمان اكسي كلريد منيزيم # - Journal
پوشش دهي لايه بي بافت پلي استر با خمير چاپ پيگمنت حاوي آئروژل نانوساختار و بررسي خاصيت عايق بندي گرمايي منسوج حاصل Conference