Soil Carbon Sequestration affected by cultivation of poor pastures in arid regions of central Iran
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A combind landfarming-phytoremediation system for remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and metals from contaminated soils
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Application of fractal theory to describe soil aggregate stability for different land uses
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Cropping system effects on carbohydrate content in two soils of central Iran
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The occurrence of soil water repellency under different vegetation and land uses in central Iran
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Effect of endophytic fungi on Cd tolerance of Festuca arundinacea and Festuca Peratensis grown in a hydroponic system
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Remediation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHS) in a long-term contaminated soil using phytostimulation technique
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Salinity effects on growht and Na accumulation in Medicinal Plant Matricaria Chamomilla
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The Sand Land Soil System and Society
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Changes in soil pore continuity indics under different controlled deformation types
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Gas transport characteristics as influenced by concurrent loading and drying/wetting processes in soils with weak structure
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Effects of changing pasture to arable land on moisture release curve in soils of southwest Isfahan
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Effects of salinity and drought on germination and early seedling growth of matricaria chamomilla
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Water potential and Ionic effects on germination and early seedling growth of Matricaria chamomilla
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Spatial variability of lead content in soil and rice around Isfahan steel smelter
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Nutrient loss in different land uses estimated by rainfall simulator
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Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using Iranian Natural Zeolite. Proceedings of the
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Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Naphthalene Using Bermuda grass and Tall Fescue Species.
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Effect of tillage system and farmyard manure on root morphology of corn
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Application of fuzzy sets to estimate uncertainty of hydraulic conductivity
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