Surface and morphology study of poly(ester-amide)/modified ZnO bionanocomposites
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Bioactive organoclay for synthesis of optically active poly(amide-imide)/organoclay bionanocomposites
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Novel amino acid containing biomodifier of Cloisite Na for synthesis of poly(vinyl alcohol)/organonanoclay nanocomposites
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Synthesis and characterization of new optically active poly(ester-amide)s with S-tyrosin aminoacids
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Synthesis and methodology for chiral high performance aromatic polyamides
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Studies on the Optically active Biiodegradation and Biiocompatibility of New Poly(ester-amide)s Derived from Tyrosine
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Modification and characterization of nanoclay with cationic surfactant
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Modification of Cloisite Na using natural amino acids Synthesis and characterization of novel organo-bionanoclays
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Environmentally Benign Tactic for Synthesis of Heterocyclic Polymers
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Ionic liquid as Catalytic Green Solvent for Polyamidation Reactions
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Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Biodegradable Polyester Containing Two Different a-Amino Acids
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Synthesis of a Novel Optically Active Tetrabrominated Monomer
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Synthesis of novel thermally stable and optically active poly(esterimide)s comprise different amino acids by direct polycondensation
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Unpresedented Fabrication of Novel Optically Active Polymer/Titania Nano Hybrid Films
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Synthesis and Characterization of Bionanocomposites Poly(urethane-imide)/TiO2 via ultrasonic process
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Fast Convenient and Efficient Microwave-Assisted Route to Synthesize Optically Active Polyamides in Ionic Liquid
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Controlled Radical Polymerization of N-Acryloyl-L-phenylalanine via ATRP
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Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Chiral Polyamides Containing 9 10-Dihydro-9 10-ethanoanthracene-11 12-dicarboximido Unit
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A Valuable Approach for Synthesis of Flame-Retardant and Thermally Stable Polyamides Mediated with Ionic Liquids as a Green Solvent
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Ionic Liquid Pr2im Br as a Green Catalyst and Solvent for the Mild and Efficient Synthesis Chiral Polyamides under Microwave Irradiation
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