Effect of Ti-microalloy addition on the formability and mechanical properties of a low carbon (ST14) steel
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Effect of Chromium Boron and Manganese Additions on the Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Warm Rolled Low Carbon steels
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Warm Rolling Behavior of Low Carbon Steels
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Effect of Rolling temperature on the Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Warm-rolled Steels
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Effect of Chromium and Boron Addition on the Warm rolling behavior of Low Carbon steels
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The deformation Microstructure and Recrystallization Behavior of Warm Rolled Steels
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Effect of C Mn and Cr on deformation and recrystallization Texures of Warm Rolled Low Carbon Steels
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The Effect of Precarburizing Treatment on Morphology of The Boride Layers
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The assessment of growth kinetics in the intermetallic layers of Al-AlxNiy-Ni laminate composites
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Investigation of bonding behavior of aluminum strips in presence of alumina coating and TiC particles during cold roll bonding process
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بررسي اثر ضخامت پوشش نيكل بر خواص ريزساختاري و مكانيكي كامپوزيت Al-Ni-Cu توليد شده از فرايند نورد تجمعي
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Effect of Applied Pressure on Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Cast Al-MWCNT Composites
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Influence of Post-Rolling Annealing Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviour of Hot-Rolled Aluminum Strips
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Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of rolled alloy 5083 H112 after heat treating at different temperatures
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Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid composite of Aluminum/Alumina/Titanium carbide produced by rolling processes
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Investigating the formation of intermetallic compounds and the variation of bond strength between Al-Cu layers after annealing in presence of nickel coating on copper
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The Production of Al/Al2O3Composite Strips Using a New Method
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Fabrication of hybrid composites of Aluminum/Alumina/Silicon carbide by accumulative roll bonding and evaluation of their microstructure and mechanical properties
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Production of nanostructured composities from multilayered Al pure (1100) and Al-Mg(5083) Al alloys by ARB process Microstructure evaluation and mechanical properties
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