
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of Ti-microalloy addition on the formability and mechanical properties of a low carbon (ST14) steel # Journal
Effect of Chromium Boron and Manganese Additions on the Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Warm Rolled Low Carbon steels # Journal
Warm Rolling Behavior of Low Carbon Steels # Journal
Effect of Rolling temperature on the Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Warm-rolled Steels # Journal
Effect of Chromium and Boron Addition on the Warm rolling behavior of Low Carbon steels # Journal
The deformation Microstructure and Recrystallization Behavior of Warm Rolled Steels # Journal
Effect of C Mn and Cr on deformation and recrystallization Texures of Warm Rolled Low Carbon Steels # Journal
The Effect of Precarburizing Treatment on Morphology of The Boride Layers # Journal
The assessment of growth kinetics in the intermetallic layers of Al-AlxNiy-Ni laminate composites Conference
Investigation of bonding behavior of aluminum strips in presence of alumina coating and TiC particles during cold roll bonding process Conference
بررسي اثر ضخامت پوشش نيكل بر خواص ريزساختاري و مكانيكي كامپوزيت Al-Ni-Cu توليد شده از فرايند نورد تجمعي Conference
Effect of Applied Pressure on Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Cast Al-MWCNT Composites Conference
Influence of Post-Rolling Annealing Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviour of Hot-Rolled Aluminum Strips Conference
Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of rolled alloy 5083 H112 after heat treating at different temperatures Conference
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid composite of Aluminum/Alumina/Titanium carbide produced by rolling processes Conference
Investigating the formation of intermetallic compounds and the variation of bond strength between Al-Cu layers after annealing in presence of nickel coating on copper Conference
The Production of Al/Al2O3Composite Strips Using a New Method Conference
Fabrication of hybrid composites of Aluminum/Alumina/Silicon carbide by accumulative roll bonding and evaluation of their microstructure and mechanical properties Conference
Production of nanostructured composities from multilayered Al pure (1100) and Al-Mg(5083) Al alloys by ARB process Microstructure evaluation and mechanical properties Conference