
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effects of C/N Ratio on the phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soil by Puccinellia distance # Journal
Enhancing the available water content in unsaturated soil zone using hydrogel to improve plant growth indices # Journal
The Effects of Microbial Population on Phytoremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils Using Tall Fescue # Journal
Effects of a Hydrophilic Polymer on the Field Performance of an Ornamental Plant (Cupressus arizonica) under Reduced Irrigation Regimes # Journal
Effect of treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties in an arid region # Journal
The Effects of treated wastewater on soil chemical properties using subsurface and surface irrigation methods # Journal
Effects of Superabsorbent Polymer on Water Requirement and Growth Indices of Ficus benjamina L. Starlight # - Journal
Evaluation of Nano Silicate Additives Effects on Improvement of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Kahgel Traditional Plaster Conference
Soil salinity control under barley cultivation using a laboratory dry drainage model Conference
Benzene Adsorption from Aqueous Solution by Ash Cone Pine Modified with Nano ZVI Conference
The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Nano Paticles of Old Tires Conference
Recent Developments in Low-Energy Desalination Technologies Forward Osmosis and Adsorption Desalination Conference
Investigation the Performance of Sand Filter Incorporating Tire Chips as Cover in Subsurface Drainage System Conference
Desalination of water using nanoparticles of husk ashes in sand filter Conference
A mathematical model for Ni phyto-extraction from contaminated soils Conference
Estimation of daily pan evaporation using the fuzzy regression method in a semi-arid region of Iran Conference
The effect of ionic strength on the ammonium adsorption and desorption by Semnan clinoptilolite zeolite Conference
The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Nanoparticles of Phoenix dactilifera Leaf Conference
The Effects of Superabsorbent polymer and Irrigation Regime on Phytoremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils Conference