Green synthesis of novel nitrogen-rich covalent organic polymer for efficient removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions
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Sustainable wastewater treatment: LDH@Fe3O4-Ag as a promising photocatalyst for tetracycline degradation
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Nitrogen-rich porous organic polymer as a promising adsorbent for iodine capture from organic solvents
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Extraction of phenolic compounds from walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) by Salting-Out extraction method
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Development of sulfonic acid-functionalized covalent organic polymer towards efficient adsorption of cationic dyes
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Valorization of walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) through sequential electrohydrodynamic extraction of pectin and phenolics: Process optimization and multidimensional analysis
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Carrageenan-based green heterogeneous catalyst for production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by dehydrating fructose and glucose
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Green and Facile Preparation of Covalent Organic Frameworks Based on Reaction Medium for Advanced Applications
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Novel flower-like magnetic core-shell covalent triazine polymer as a beneficial Direct Scarlet 4BS adsorbent and comprehensive study of the kinetics and isotherm adsorption
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Post-synthetic modifications of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) for diverse applications
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An amine-rich porous organic polymer with flexible diarylmethane moieties for adsorptive removal of anionic dyes
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Oxidative cross-linking of biocompatible chitosan injectable hydrogel by perylene-dopamine to boost phototoxicity of perylene on in vitro melanoma and breast cancer therapy
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Formulation, characterization, and physical stability of encapsulated walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) extract in phosphatidylcholine liposomes L.) extract in phosphatidylcholine liposomes
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Preparation and characterization of morphological and mechanical properties of cellulose cryogel nanofibers reinforced by different polyamide resins
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Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks: A Biocompatible and pH-Dependent Carrier for In Vitro Sustained Release of Doxorubicin
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k-Carrageenan/triazin-based covalent organic framework bionanocomposite: Preparation, characterization, and its application in fast removing of BB41 dye from aqueous solution
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Photocatalytic activity of the novel triazine-based magnetic core-shell Cu nanocomposite for degradation of RhB and MB via air oxidation and Cr(VI) reduction
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Novel nanoscale vanillin based covalent triazine framework as a novel carrier for sustained release of imatinib
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Mesoporous Ca-alginate/melamine-rich covalent organic polymer/cupric oxide-based microgel beads as heterogeneous catalyst for efficient catalytic reduction of hazardous water pollutants
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Comparative study for removal of cationic and anionic dyes using alginate-based hydrogels filled with citric acid-sawdust/UiO-66-NH2 hybrid
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