Office ECE Department, Office 415 Phone +98 313 3911466 Fax +98 313 3912450 Positions Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Research Interests Infrastructures and protocols for Future Networks Content-Centric Networks Operating Systems Distributed Systems IoT Fog and cloud computing Cloud Computing and Big Data Natural Language Processing Machine Translation More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type An NFV-Based Framework for Autonomous Deployment of New Protocols in SDN Networks 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3476244 Journal Ensemble clustering and feature weighting in time series data 10.1007/s11227-023-05290-4 Journal Deploying IoT Based on NDN Protocol in a Fog Computing Infrastructure 10.22108/jcs.2022.131452.1086 Journal A controller-based architecture for information centric network construction and topology management 10.1109/CC.2018.8424609 Journal Peer-assisted Information-Centric Network (PICN) A Backward Compatible Solution 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2762697 Journal Real-Time Intrusion Detection Alert Correlation and Attack Scenario Extraction Based on the Prerequisite-Consequence Approach # Journal New optimal solution to disjoint set K-coverage for lifetime extension in wireless sensor networks 10.1049/iet-wss.2011.0085 Journal A Cloud-based IoT-enabled framework for BCI applications Conference Quantitative analysis for identifying important disease-related microRNAs Conference