Office Isfahan University of Technology Department of Natural Resources Phone +98 313 3911029 Fax +98 3133912841 Positions Professor of watershed management Research Interests Watershed managment Hydrologic modelling Drought Water Resources More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Modeling NPP and NDVI time series in different bioclimatic regions of Iran # Journal Flood damage assessment using HEC-FDA software in shoor watershed, Esfahan, Iran 10.1007/s12517-024-11990-9 Journal Analysis of externality costs of livestock grazing enterprise in semi-arid rangelands 10.1007/s10668-023-03106-2 Journal Accommodating uncertainty in soil erosion risk assessment: Integration of Bayesian belief networks and MPSIAC model # Journal Investigation of the effects of climate change on hydrological drought and pattern detection for severe climatic conditions using CCT and SWAT models in the semi-arid regionCase study: Karkheh river basin 10.1007/s12517-023-11644-2 Journal Tradeoff between production and regulation functions of semi-arid rangelands 10.1071/RJ22065 Journal Effects of teleconnection indices on net primary production (NPP) in bioclimatic zones of Iran # Journal Regionalization of rainfall intensity- duration- frequency (IDF) curves with L-moments method using neural gas networks # Journal Effects of ecological factors on phenolic compounds in Salvia multicaulis Vahl (Lamiaceae) # Journal Assessing agrometeorological drought trends in Iran during 1985-2018 10.1007/s00704-022-04159-5 Journal