Office Isfahan University of Technology Department of Natural Resources Phone +98 313 3911029 Fax +98 3133912841 Positions Professor of watershed management Research Interests Watershed managment Hydrologic modelling Drought Water Resources More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Flood damage assessment using HEC-FDA software in shoor watershed, Esfahan, Iran 10.1007/s12517-024-11990-9 Journal Analysis of externality costs of livestock grazing enterprise in semi-arid rangelands 10.1007/s10668-023-03106-2 Journal Accommodating uncertainty in soil erosion risk assessment: Integration of Bayesian belief networks and MPSIAC model - Journal Investigation of the effects of climate change on hydrological drought and pattern detection for severe climatic conditions using CCT and SWAT models in the semi-arid regionCase study: Karkheh river basin 10.1007/s12517-023-11644-2 Journal Tradeoff between production and regulation functions of semi-arid rangelands 10.1071/RJ22065 Journal Effects of teleconnection indices on net primary production (NPP) in bioclimatic zones of Iran - Journal Regionalization of rainfall intensity- duration- frequency (IDF) curves with L-moments method using neural gas networks - Journal Effects of ecological factors on phenolic compounds in Salvia multicaulis Vahl (Lamiaceae) - Journal Assessing agrometeorological drought trends in Iran during 1985-2018 10.1007/s00704-022-04159-5 Journal Regional Frequency Analysis of Drought Severity and Duration in Karkheh River Basin - Iran Using Univariate L-Moments Method - Journal