Office Department of Physics Phone 0311-3913714 Fax 0311-3912376 Positions Department of Physics Research Interests Fields number one Fields number two Fields number three More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Calculation of exposure buildup factors for point isotropic gamma ray sources in sttatified spherical shields of water surrounded by lead and optimization of water-lead combination # Journal Mix design effective parameters on Gamma-ray attenuation coefficient and strength of normal and heavyweight concrete # Journal Determination of neutron dose equivalent buldup factors for infinite slabs irradiated by point isotropic neutron sources using the MCNP code. # Journal A study of gamma ray exposure buildup factors instratified shields for point isotropic sources including the effects of incoherent andcoherent Scattering # Journal An energy dependent partial wave analysis of ... between threshold and 2.35 GeV # Journal A measurent of pi ( ) proton backward elastic differential cross section from 1.282 to 2.472 GeV/c # Journal Differential cross section and polarisation for... at 26 momenta between 1.282 2.473GeV/c # Journal