International Journal Papers
E Rajaby, SM Sayedi, “A structured review of sparse fast Fourier transform algorithms, Digital Signal Processing”, 103403, 2022.
M Fardad, SM Sayedi, E Yazdian,“A low-complexity hardware for deterministic compressive sensing reconstruction”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (10), 3349-3361, 2018.
M Fardad, SM Sayedi, E Yazdian, “Hardware implementation of iterative method with adaptive thresholding for random sampling recovery of sparse signals”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 26 (5), 867-877,2018.
M Radpour, SM Sayedi, “SystemC-AMS modeling of photodiode based on PWL technique to be used in energy harvesting CMOS image sensor”, Integration 60, 48-55, 2018.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, “Full-custom hardware implementation of point multiplication on binary Edwards curves for application-specific integrated circuit elliptic curve cryptosystem applications”, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 11 (6), 568-578, 2017.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, F Karimi, “Color-based skin segmentation in videos using a multi-step spatial method”, Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (7), 9785-9801, 2017.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, “Efficient and low-complexity hardware architecture of Gaussian normal basis multiplication over GF(2m) for elliptic curve cryptosystems”, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 11 (2), 103-112, 2017.
K Hassanli, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner, “High resolution digital imager based on time multiplexing algorithm”, IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (9), 2831-2840, 2017.
B Rashidi, RR Farashahi, SM Sayedi, “High-performance and high-speed implementation of polynomial basis Itoh–Tsujii inversion algorithm over GF(2m)”, IET Information Security 11 (2), 66-77, 2017.
B Rashidi, RR Farashahi, SM Sayedi , “High-speed hardware implementations of point multiplication for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves”, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017.
K Hassanli, SM Sayedi, R Dehghani, A Jalili, JJ Wikner, “A low-power wide tuning-range CMOS current-controlled oscillator”, Integration 55, 57-66, 2016.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, “An efficient and high-speed VLSI implementation of optimal normal basis multiplication over GF (2m)”, Integration 55, 138-154, 2016.
K Hassanli, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner,”A compact, low-power, and fast pulse-width modulation based digital pixel sensor with no bias circuit”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 244, 243-251, 2016.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, ”High-speed hardware architecture of scalar multiplication for binary elliptic curve cryptosystems”, Microelectronics journal 52, 49-65, 2016.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi ,”A comprehensive survey on human skin detection”, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 8 (5), 1, 2016.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, “A Low Cost High Speed FPGA-Based Image Processing Framework”, International Journal of Modern Education & Computer Science 8 (3), 2016.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, “High-speed VLSI implementation of Digit-serial Gaussian normal basis Multiplication over GF (2m)”, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, R Rezaeian Farashahi, “Efficient implementation of bit‐parallel fault tolerant polynomial basis multiplication and squaring over GF(2m)”, IET Computers & Digital Techniques 10 (1), 18-29, 2016.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, “A high-speed multiplexer-based fine-grain pipelined architecture for digital fuzzy logic controllers”, International Journal of Electronics 102 (12), 1997-2015, 2015.
K Hassanli, SM Sayedi, R Dehghani, A Jalili, JJ Wikner, “A highly sensitive, low-power, and wide dynamic range CMOS digital pixel sensor”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 236, 82-91, 2015.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, “A face detection method based on kernel probability map”, Computers & Electrical Engineering 46, 205-216, 2015.
B Rashidi, R Rezaeian Farashahi, SM Sayedi, “Efficient implementation of low time complexity and pipelined bit-parallel polynomial basis multiplier over binary finite fields”, The ISC International Journal of Information Security 7 (2), 101-114, 2015.
ZK Horastani, SM Sayedi, MH Sheikhi, E Rahimi , “Effect of silver additive on electrical conductivity and methane sensitivity of SnO2”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 35, 38-44, 2015.
ZK Horastani, SM Sayedi, MH Sheikhi, “Effect of single wall carbon nanotube additive on electrical conductivity and methane sensitivity of SnO2”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 202, 461-468, 2014.
RR Farashahi, B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, “FPGA based fast and high-throughput 2-slow retiming 128-bit AES encryption algorithm”, Microelectronics journal 45 (8), 1014-1025, 2014.
E Rahimi, MH Sheikhi, ZK Horastani, SM Sayedi, S Zeinali, A Zarifkar, “Ethanol sensing properties of tin oxide doped using silver nanoparticles”, Advanced Materials Research 829, 600-604, 2014.
S Pourashraf, SM Sayedi, “Implementation of a low power 16-bit radix-4 pipelined SRT divider using a modified Split-Path Data Driven Dynamic Logic (SPD3L) structure”, Microelectronics Journal 44 (12), 1165-1174, 2013.
ZK Horastani, SJ Hashemifar, SM Sayedi, MH Sheikhi, “First-principles study of H2 adsorption on the pristine and oxidized (8, 0) carbon nanotube”, international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (31), 13680-13686, 2013.
ZK Horastani, SJ Hashemifar, SM Sayedi, MH Sheikhi, R Alaei , “The effect of oxygen molecule adsorption on structural and electrical properties of (8, 0) carbon nanotube: A density functional study”, Key Engineering Materials 543, 447-450, 2013.
JJ Wikner, A Jalili, SM Sayedi, R Dehghani, “A Histogram-Based Static Error Correction Technique for Flash ADCs: Implementation”, ZTE Communications 10 (1), 63-70, 2012.
A Jalili, JJ Wikner, SM Sayedi, R Dehghani, “A Histogram-Based Static-Error Correction Technique for Flash ADCs”, ZTE Communications 9 (4), 35-41, 2011.
A Jalili, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner, AZ Nezhad, “A nonlinearity error calibration technique for pipelined ADCs”, Integration 44 (3), 229-241, 2011.
A Jalili, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner, “Inter-channel offset and gain mismatch correction for time-interleaved pipelined ADCs”, Microelectronics journal 42 (1), 158-164, 2011.
M Habibi, SM Sayedi, “Asynchronous demodulation technique for use in vision sensor image classification and segmentation”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 39 (1), 17-30, 2011.
H Karimiyan, SM Sayedi, H Saidi, “Low-power dual-edge triggered state-retention scan flip-flop”, IET computers & digital techniques 4 (5), 410-419, 2010.
M Habibi, SM Sayedi, “Asynchronous demodulation CMOS sensor for object labeling and its application in robotics”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2010.
HABIBI M., SAYEDI S.M., "Geometric centre tracking of tagged objects using a low power demodulation smart vision sensor", IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP. 67-77, 2010.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A Micropower Multi Decade Dynamic Range Current-Mode True RMS-to-DC Converter”, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 69, 2010.
HABIBI M., SAYEDI S.M., "An Analog VLSI Architecture for High Speed, Low Power Object Tracking", international journal of distributed sensor networks, Vol. 5, PP. 675-692, 2009.
HABIBI M., SAYEDI S.M., "Asynchronous demodulation technique for use in vision sensor image classification and segmentation", international journal of circuit theory and applications, DOI:10.1002/cta.614, 2009.
HABIBI M., SAYEDI S.M., "High speed, low power VLSI CMOS vision sensor for geometric centre", international journal of electronics, Vol. 96, No. 8, PP. 821-836, 2009.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A 1.2V Current-mode True RMS-DC Converter Based on the Floating Gate MOS Translinear Principle", microelectronics journal, Vol. 39, No. 2, PP. 293-298, 2008.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "Class-AB Square-Root Domain Filters Based on the Floating Gate MOS Translinear Principle", Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 62-70, 2006.
LANDSBERGER L. M.; GHAYOUR R., SAYEDI S.M., KAHRIZI M.; LANDHEER D., BARDWELL J.A., RIOPEL Y., JEAN C., LOGIUDICE V., "Electrical characterization of metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors with anodic and plasma-nitrided oxides", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 18 , No. 2, PP 676 – 680, 2000.
LANDHEER D., SAYEDI S.M., LANDSBERGER L., KAHRIZI M., "Fourier Transform infrared Spectroscopy of Corona-Processed Silicon Dioxide Films", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology B , Vol. 16, PP. 605, 1998.
SAYEDI S.M., LANDHEER D., LANDSBERGER L., KAHRIZI M., "Mechanisms of Film Growth Rate Enhancement in Anodic and Cathodic Corona-Discharge Oxidation Processes", journal of the electrochemical society, Vol.145, No. 8, PP 2944-2950, 1998.
SAYEDI S.M., LANDSBERGER L., KAHRIZI M., BELKOUCH S., LANDHEER D., “Electrical Characterization of thin SIO2 Films on Silicon Created by Anodic Oxygen Corona Discharge processing", journal of the electrochemical society, Vol. 145, No. 8, PP. 2937-2943, 1998.
International Conference Papers
E Talebi, SM Sayedi, “A Low Area and Low Power Pulse Width Modulation Based Digital Pixel Sensor”, International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), 1-7, 2022.
A Rahiminezhad, MR Tavakoli, SM Sayedi, “Hardware Implementation of Moving Object Detection using Adaptive Coefficient in Performing Background Subtraction Algorithm”, International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), 1-5, 2022.
S Abdollahi, SM Sayedi, “A Novel PWM Digital Pixel Sensor with In-pixel Memory Structure”, 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-4, 2020
MR Tavakoli, SM Sayedi, MJ Khaleghi , “A High Throughput Hardware CNN Accelerator Using a Novel Multi-Layer Convolution Processor”, 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-6, 2020.
MH Takaby, SM Sayedi, “Low Power Approximate Unsigned Divider Design Using Gate Diffusion Input Logic”, 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 66-70, 2019.
P Amjadian, SM Sayedi, “Reduced complexity architecture for normalization of histogram of oriented gradients”, 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1579-1583, 2019.
M Radpour, SM Sayedi, “A SystemC model of energy harvesting CMOS digital pixel sensor”, 4th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM), 192-195, 2016.
M Fardad, SM Sayedi , “A low complexity hardware for compressive sensing matrix generation”, 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 638-642, 2016.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, F Karimi, Z Fahimi, V Rezai, Z Mannani, “SDD: A skin detection dataset for training and assessment of human skin classifiers”, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and …, 2015.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, F Karimi, Z Fahimi, V Rezai, Z Mannani, “Fast and pipelined bit-parallel montgomery multiplication and squaring over GF (2m)”, 12th International Iranian Society of Cryptology Conference on …, 2015.
MS Noohi, A Jalili, SM Sayedi, “A low power, high fill factor and high speed vision pixel in a multitask digital vision chip”, 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1072-1077, 2015.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, F Karimi, “Propagation from conservatively selected skin pixels using a multi-step multi-feature method”, 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 219-224, 2015.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, “Leveraging spatial analysis on homogonous regions of color images for skin classification”, 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2014.
MS Noohi, SM Sayedi, A Jalili, “A high-speed low-power multitask digital vision chip”, Second RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics …, 2014.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, “Boosting performance of face detection by using an efficient skin segmentation algorithm”, 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2014.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, “A face detector based on color and texture”, 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2014.
MR Mahmoodi, SM Sayedi, B Mahmoodi, “Reconfigurable hardware implementation of gigabit UDP/IP stack based on spartan-6 FPGA”, 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2014.
B Rashidi, RR Farashahi, SM Sayedi, “High-speed and pipelined finite field bit-parallel multiplier over GF(2m) for elliptic curve cryptosystems”, 11th International ISC Conference on Information Security and …, 2014.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, RR Farashahi, “Design of a low-power and low-cost booth-shift/add multiplexer-based multiplier”, 22nd Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 14-19, 2014.
YD Hoseini, SM Sayedi, S Sadri, “A novel CMOS image sensor for high speed parallel integral image computation”, 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-6, 2013.
B Rashidi, SM Sayedi, “A parallel high speed general architecture for digital fuzzy logic controllers”, 21st IEEE Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2013).
HK Alidash, SM Sayedi, VG Oklobdzija, “Soft-error hardened redundant triggered latch”, 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED), 269-272, 2012.
M Ahmady, SM Sayedi, “Fault coverage improvement and test vector generation for combinational circuits using spectral analysis”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2012.
H Ahmadi, SM Sayedi, “Design of a neuromorphic edge detector vision chip with color and intensity change disambiguation”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2012.
S Pourashraf, SM Sayedi, “A low power D3L 16-bit radix- 4 pipelined SRT divider”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2012.
HK Alidash, SM Sayedi, “Activity aware clock gated storage element design”, 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-4, 2011.
A Jalili, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner, K Palmkvist, M Vesterbacka, “Calibration of high-resolution flash ADCS based on histogram test methods”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2010.
A Jalili, SM Sayedi, JJ Wikner, NU Andersson, M Vesterbacka, “Calibration of ΣΔ analog-to-digital converters based on histogram test methods”, NORCHIP 2010, 1-4
HK Alidash, SM Sayedi, H Saidi, “Low-power state-retention dual edge-triggered pulsed latch”, 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 417-420, 2010.
POURASHRAF S., SAYEDI S., "A Novel 4:2 Compressor for High speed and Low Power Applications", Proceedings of 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), PP. 471-475, 2010.
HABIBI M., SAYEDI S.M., “An electronic marker tag detection smart camera for object localization”, International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), PP. 374 – 377, 2009.
ALIDASH H.K., SAYEDI S.M.; SAIDI H., OKLOBDZIJA V.G., “Soft error filtered and hardened latch”, IEEE 8th International Conference on ASICON, PP. 613 – 616, 2009.
KARIMIYAN ALIDASH H., SAYEDI S., SAIDI H., "Low-Power Dual-Edge Triggered State Retention Scan Flip-Flop", Proceedings of The 19th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling,Optimization and Simulation ( PATMOS 2009 ) , PP. 156-164, 2009.
JALILI A., SAYEDI S.M., "A digital pseudo background correction method in pipelined ADCs", Proceedings of 51st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2008), PP. 634-637, 2008.
JALILI A., SAYEDI S.M., DEHGHANI R., FARSHIDI E., "A frequency based digital background calibration technique for pipelined ADCs", Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2008), PP. 1209-1212, 2008.
JALILI A., SAYEDI S.M., "A nonlinearity error calibration technique based on an opamp distortion modeling", Proceedings of IEEE Asian Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2008), PP. 806-809, 2008.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A square-Root Domain Filter Based on A New Geometric-mean Circuit", Proceedings of 2007 Iranian conference on electrical engineering PP. 6-11, 2007.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "Distortion Analysis of Log Domain Filters Based on Harmonic Balance Technique", Proceedings of 2007 Iranian conference on electrical engineering PP. 41-46, 2007.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A Micropower Multi Decade Dynamic Range Current-Mode True RMS-to-DC Converter", Proceedings of 50th IEEE INT'L Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems (MWSCAS), PP. 1493-1496, 2007.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A Class-AB Square-Root Domain Biquad Filter Based on Floating Gate MOS Transistors", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Asicon , PP. 383-386, 2007.
FARSHIDI E., SAYEDI S.M., "A Second-Order Low Power Current-Mode Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on ASICON, PP. 293-296, 2007.
BEYRAGHE D.S., SAYEDI S.M., KARSHENAS H., "A NOVEL DIGITAL VOLTAGE CONTROLLER FOR SINGLE PHASE PFC RECTIFIERS", Proceedings of Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering , PP. 887-890, 2006.
SAYEDI S.M., LANDSBERGER L., KAHRIZI M., "Electrical Characterization of Thin SIO2 Films Created by Negative-Point Oxygen Corona Discharge Processing", Proceedings of 1996 Canadian conference on Electrical and Computer engineering, PP. 64-67, 1996.