Office 213 B, Math. Dept. Phone +98 313 3913617 Fax +98 311 3912602 Positions Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences Research Interests Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis Partial Differential Equations Geometric Measure Theory Metric Geometry More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type On rigidity of ALE vector bundles 10.1016/j.topol.2025.109217 Journal The rigidity of sharp spectral gap in non-negatively curved spaces 10.1016/ Journal On Weak Super Ricci Flow through Neckpinch 10.1515/agms-2020-0123 Journal Bakry\u2013\u00c9mery Ricci Curvature Bounds for Doubly Warped Products of Weighted Spaces 10.1007/s12220-021-00745-7 Journal Errata to 'Smooth convergence away from singular sets' 10.4310/CAG.2020.v28.n7.e1 Journal Bubble tree convergence for harmonic maps into compact locally CAT(1) spaces 10.1007/s00526-020-01801-w Journal A Global Poincaré inequality on Graphs via a Conical Curvature-Dimension Condition 10.1515/agms-2018-0002 Journal Geometric singularities and a flow tangent to the Ricci flow # Journal Characterization of Low Dimensional RCD*(K, N) Spaces 10.1515/agms-2016-0007 Journal On diameter controls and smooth convergence away from singularities 10.1016/j.difgeo.2016.01.003 Journal