Physiology of Plant Under Abiotic Stress



Credits: 2 Hours (2 lecture hours per week)

Instructor: Dr.ali Akbar Ramin, Department of Horticulture.




Attendance Policy:

You are expected to attend every lecture unless classes have been officially canceled by the University. Student who misses more than 4 class meetings will be dropped from the course. If you miss a class (with an excuse or by cutting), you are responsible for the material covered during that class. If the professor is more than 15 minutes late for class, the class is considered cancelled and the student may leave.





Christie, B.R. (1987) Hand- book of plant science in agriculture. vol. I CRC Press Boca Raton, Florida.

Christe, B.R. (1987) Hand-book of plant science in agriculture. vol. II CRC Press Boca Raton, Florida.

Hale, M.C. and Oreutt, D.M. (1987) The physiology of plant under stress. John Wiley & Son. London.

Hendry, G.A.F. and Grime, J.P. (1993) Methods in compartive plant ecology. Chapman & Hall, Great Britain

Hopkins, W.G. (1995) Introduction to plant physiology. John Wiley & Sons. USA.

Jenks, M.A. and Hasegawa, P.M. 2006. Plant abiotic stress. Blackwell Pub.., India.

Mohr, H. and Schopfer, P. (1995) Plant Physilogy. Springer verlag, Berlin.

Prasad, M.N.V. (1996) Plant ecophysiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, USA

Pearey, R.W., Ehleringer, J. Mooreg,H.A. and Rundel, P.W. (1992) Plant physiological ecology: Field methods and instrumentation. Chapman and Hall. London.

Wickens, G.E., Goodin, J.R. and Field, D.V. (1989) Plants for arid lands. Unwin Hyman, London.   

Also, reading packets will be passed out in class




Base for grade Determination

Test                                                                             70%

Research project                                                    20%

Paper presentation                                                10%

Total                                                                           100




Outline of Topics


                 a. Concept of stress and strain

                 b. Stress injury, resistance, tolerance and avoidance


Plant and water

a.       Water content

b.      Function of water

c.       The structure of water

d.      Influence water on plant structure and distribution 

e.       Movement of water in the plant 


Plant process under stress

f.       Photosynthesis

g.      Respiration

h.      Transpiration

i.        Translocation


     Growth and development


a.       Concept of growth

b.      Growth analysis



Water stress

a.       Measurement of water stress

b.      Stomata effects

c.       Growth effect

d.      Soil flooding


Temperature stress

        A. Low temperature stress


                         1) Chilling injury


                                      a. Time/temperature intreraction

                                      b. Membrane effects

                                     c.  Effect on photosynthesis

                                      c. Other effects of chilling 


                           2) Freezing injury

                                  a. The freezing process

                                  b. Cold hardening and freezing tolerance

                                  c. Freezing injury

                                       d. Freezing resista

                    B. High temperature stress

                                   a. Heat injury

                                   b. Heat tolerance



        Salt stress

                     A. Salt injury

                                  a. Growth effects

                                  b. Mechanism of injury



                      B. Salt resistance

                      C. Ion stress and pH effects


         Some cases history of plants under water stress.