Control atmosphere (CA) and Modified atmosphere
Fruits and vegetables are still alive after harvest, it is necessary to restrain their respiratory activity.
Metabolic activity cases, colour, flavour, aroma and softening changes in commodities. The energy needs usually obtained from respiration.
Respiration is basically characterized by O2 consumption and Co2 emission.
Control of respiration
1-Storing at low temperatures.
2-Usinge chemicals i.e. 1-MCP
3-Controlling the atmosphere surrounding the harvest produce.
4-Combination of them.
Extended shelf life
1-Harvesting at optimum maturity, minimum mechanical injury, proper sanitation procedures, and optimal temperatures and RH are maintained.
2-Modification and control of O2, Co2 and ethylene surrounding the produce to level different from those in normal air.
3- This modification is commonly based on the effect of low O2 or moderate Co2 to restrain respiration, because both O2 and Co2 are biological-active molecules that play a decisive role in primary and secondary metabolic processes in plant organs.
Their global influence on metabolism has led to their use for modification of plant behavior with the purpose of extending both storage duration and shelf-life.