The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of how travel demand is assignment to the roadway network. The course starts with unconstrained and constrained optimization techniques. The concept of equilibrium and elementary approaches (e.g., all-or-nothing and incremental) to travel demand assignment will be discussed. Classic UE and SU problems will then be put forward. If time permits, some extensions of UE (e.g., OD estimation, stochastic assignment, and joint estimation) will also be presented.
Class Presentation and Participation: Students are expected to attend classes.
Text Book
T1 (Main Textbook): Sheffi, Y., 1985. Urban transportation networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Additional materials may also be distributed in the class.
Contents (Tentative)
Topic 1- Introduction to Urban Transportation Networks Analysis
Topic 2- Basic Optimization Concepts and Optimization Algorithms
Topic 3- Formulating the user equilibrium (UE) problem
Topic 4- Solving the UE problem
Topic 5- UE problem with variable demand
Topic 6- Extensions to the UE problem (OD Estimation, etc.)