Course Description
Phenomeno1ogical aspects of damage mechanics, nature of damage, strain equivalence principle, measurement of damage, concept of isotropic and anisotropic damage, different basic hypothesis of damage mechanics, thermodynamics and micromechanics of damage, damage equivalent stress, strain-damage coupted constitutive equations, elastic-plastic-damage behavior, viscoplasticity-damage behavior, models of anisotropic damage, micromechanics analysis of damage, crack closure parameter, Kinetic laws of damage evolution, stored energy damage threshold, three-dimensional rupture criterion, elastic-perfectly plastic and damageable materials, viscoplasticity, damage evolution laws of brittle, quasi-brittle, ductile, creep, low cycle fatigue and high cycle fatigue damage, identification of the material parameters, damage accumulation, damage models of metals, damage models based on strain criterion, nonlocal damage models, prediction failure in mechanical processes using damage mechanics, implementation continuum damage mechanics by finite element method, numerical solution algorithm of elastic-plastic-damage constitutive equations, numerical implementation of Lemaitre’s damage model with isotropic and kinematic hardening by Abaqus software.