
Course Description:


This course introduces the concepts of engineering based on forces in equilibrium. Topics include but not limited to the principles of statics (vector based) in two and three dimensions, concentrated forces, distributed forces, forces due to friction, moments of forces, equilibrium of a particle and rigid bodies, structural analysis and trusses, center of gravity and mass, internal forces and shear and inertia as they apply to machines, structures, and systems along with solving realistic problems. Upon completion, students should be able to solve problems which require the ability to analyze systems of forces in static equilibrium.









Credit hours



Fall 2019

Periods per week

1 per week


Mehdi Karevan, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering/Nanotechnology, Georgia Inst. Of Tech (USA, 2008-2013)


ME Dept. Room 14




Class meeting

Sundays  13-15 PM

Office hours

Any other time can be arranged with prior appointment



·       Engineering Mechanics-Statics, J.L. Meriam 

·       Handouts

·       Slide presentations






 Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:


·       Determine the resultant of a force system including distributed forces.

·       Describe position, forces, and moments in terms of vector forms in two and three dimensions.

·       Simplify systems of forces and moments to equivalent systems.

·       Draw the appropriate free-body diagram for each problem, identifying

all external forces and moments.

·       Solve for unknown force vectors using particle equilibrium.

·       Find equivalent loading systems.

·       Solve for the support forces using rigid body equilibrium.

·       Determine the internal forces in structural members.

·       Solve for the internal forces in trusses, frames and machines.

·       Understand the relationships between applied loads, internal shear

force and internal moment.

·       Determine frictional forces for equilibrium and impending motion.

·       Calculate the center of gravity and centroid of systems of particles and

of bodies with arbitrary shape or a body having axial symmetry.

·       Calculate area moments of inertia and mass moments of inertia.

·       Apply the principle of virtual work.






I. General Principles

a. Introduction to the basic quantities and idealizations of mechanics

b. Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation

c. SI system of units

d. Standard procedures for performing numerical calculations

e. General guide for solving problems


II. Force Vectors and Particle Equilibrium

a. Vector Representation of Forces

b. Add forces and resolve them into components using the Parallelogram Law

c. Express force and position in Cartesian vector form and determine vector’s magnitude and direction

d. Introduce dot product to determine the angle between two vectors or projection of one vector onto another

e. Resolution of Forces into Components


III. Equilibrium of a Particle

a. Introduce concept of a particle free body diagram

b. Solve particle equilibrium problems


IV. Force System Resultants

a. Calculate moment of a force in two and three dimensions

b. Cross Product: Moment – Scalar and Vector Formulation

b. Find the moment of a about a specified axis

c. Define the moment of a couple

d. Determine the resultants of nonconcurrent force systems

e. Reduce a simple distributed loading to a resultant force

d. Resultant of a Force and Couple


V. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body

a. Condition for rigid body equilibrium in 2D and 3D

b. Develop equations of equilibrium for a rigid body

c. Introduce the free-body diagram for a rigid body

d. Three Dimensional Force System

e. Solve rigid-body equilibrium problems


VI. Structural Analysis

a. Determine forces in the members of a truss: Method of Joints and Sections

b. Analyze forces acting on pin-connected members of frames and machines


VII. Internal Forces

a. Determine the internal loadings in a member using the method of sections

b. Formulate equations that describe internal shear and moment throughout a member

c. Analyze forces and geometry of cables supporting a load


VIII. Friction

a. Analyze the equilibrium of rigid bodies subjected to dry friction

b. Present applications of frictional force analysis on wedges, screws, belts, and bearings

c. Investigate the concept of rolling friction


IX. Center of Gravity and Centroid

a. Discuss the concept of center of gravity, center of mass, and the centroid

b. Determine the location of the center of gravity and centroid for a system of discrete particles

c. Find the area and volume for a body having axial symmetry using the Pappus and Guidinus theorems

d. Find the resultant of a general distributed loading and apply it to finding the resultant force of a pressure loading from a fluid


X. Moments of Inertia

a. Determine the moment of inertia for an area

b. Determine the minimum and maximum moments of inertia for an area using the product of inertia

c. Discuss the mass moment of inertia

d.  Parallel Axis Theorem





Class activity: 100%

Home Work      30%

Quizzes              50%

Project               20%



Tests: 100%

Midterm exam                       50%

Comprehensive final test      50%


Total of each part 100%


·       No reference materials or books will be allowed in any tests or final exam

·       Homework and projects will be due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise specified.

·       No “make-up” or “extra credit” assignments will be given





Class Cancellation Policy:

If the class needs to be canceled, the instructor will notify students in advance and will assign numerical problems to be worked on or

research reports to be prepared during the class period.


Attendance Policy:

Regular and punctual attendance in every class is mandatory. The penalty for more than 3 unexcused absences will result in 5 % reduction in the tabulated score for calculation of final grade. More

than 4 unexcused absences will lead to dismissal from the course. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class session. If you are not present when attendance is taken, you will be counted absent for

that day. For an absence or a tardiness to be excused, you must inform the instructor ahead of time. If you indeed have to miss a class due to

unavoidable circumstances, you are responsible for all the announcements and materials presented in the class.


Class Disruption Policy:

1. Cell phones must be turned off or put in the vibration mode during class or tests.

2. You must leave the class room to answer the cell phone calls.

3. Cell phones cannot be used during the class for text messaging.

4. Cell phones cannot be used during the tests or final examination in lieu of calculator.

5. Use of beepers, pagers, radio or earphones are not permitted during the class or tests.

7. Violation of any of the above will result in a deduction from the tabulated score for calculation of final grade.



Academic Dishonesty Policy


It is illegal to falsify and/or otherwise misrepresent oral and/or written communications by the instructor. There are many items that fall under

this category which may include but not limited to the following:

i) Statements concerning dates assignments are due

ii) Signature requirement

iii) Bonus opportunities

iv) Changes in course assignments

v) Changes in grading protocol


The intentional and/or otherwise misrepresentation(s) or erroneous disclosure(s) of information presented in the classes, lectures, labs and /or other consultations for personal gain represents unethical behavior and/or academic dishonesty in an attempt for personal gain. Such behavior(s) may possibly represent slander, and/or libel, and/or defamation of character which may possibly have legal ramifications.


Students are encouraged to ask questions and consult each other while working on their assignments. However, sharing the work

electronically or copying another student’s work by any method is strictly forbidden. If two or more students are found to share the same copy of a project, each will receive a grade of ‘0’ for that project. This penalty applies even if other students copied a student’s work without his/her permission. Therefore, it is very important that you safeguard your work, whether in printed or electronic form.