INORGANIC SPECTROSCOPY-I 1. General Introduction to Spectroscopy Nature of radiation energies corresponding to various kinds of radiations, atomic and molecular transitions, selection rules & chemical processes effecting the natural line width of a spectral line, general applications; determinations of concentration, isobestic points, finger printing. 2. Mossbauer Spectroscopy Introduction reasonance line shifts from change in electronic, environment, Quadrupole Interactions, Magnetic interactions, applications. 3. Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Introduction, energies of quardrupole transitions, effect of magnetic field on the spectra, relationship between electric field gradient and molecular structure, applications, interpretations of structural information from NQR spectra. SECTION-B . 4. Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy Vibrational and electronic energy levels in a diatomic molecule, relationship of Potential energy curves to electronic spectra. Nomenclature, Assignment of transitions, charge transfer transitions, higher state mixing, Oscillator strengths, Intensity of electronic transitions, charge transfer transitions, polarised absorption spectra. Applications, finger printing, molecular addition compounds in Iodine, effect of sovent polarity on charge transfer. SECTION-C . 5. Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes Spectra of transition metal complexes : Selection rules and intensities of transition, nature of electronic transitions in complexes, use of Orgel diagrams. 6. Vibration & Rotation Spectroscopy Introduction, Harmonic and anharmonic vibrations, absorption of radiation by molecular vibrations, selection rules, force constant, vibration in polyatomic molecules, effects giving rise to absorption bands, Group vibrations, limitation of group vibration concept. Raman Spectroscopy : Introduction, selection rules, polarised and depolarised Raman lines, significance of nomenclature used to describe number of IR active and Raman active line. Symmetry requirements for coupling, combination bands and Fermi Resonance. Microwave Spectroscopy, measurement of bond angles and bond distance. SECTION-D . 7. Application of Electronic Absorption and IR Spectroscopy Calculations of Dq and b for Ni (II) complexes, structural evidence from electronic spectra. Miscellaneous applications of the principles related to electronic transitions. Applications of Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy : Procedure Finger printing applications of Raman and Infrared, selection rules to the determination of Inorganic structures, hydrogen bonding systems, change in spectra of donor molecules upon coordination, Change in the spectra accompanying change in symmetry upon coordination. 8 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Introduction : Theory of NMR, behaviour of a bar magnet in magnetic field, rotating axis system magnetising vectors and relaxation, NMR transition, NMR experiment, Chemical shift of some systems studied by NMR, Mechanism of electron shielding, remote shielding from neighbour anisotropy, interatomic ring currents, chemical shifts where the local diamagnetic term does not predominate, spin-spin splitting, Spin-Spin coupling mechanism for transmitting determination. SECTION-B 9. Application of NMR Application involving the magnitude of coupling constants, complex spectra obtained when J = D, Chemical exchange and other factors affecting the line width effect of chemical exchange on spectra and the evaluation of reaction rates for fast reactions. Consequences of nuclear with quadrupolar moment in NMR. Double reasonance technique, exchange reactions between ligands and metal ions. 10. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Paramagnetic Transition Metal ion complexes. Introduction, Relaxation Processes, Average electron spin polarisation, Scalar or isotropic contact shifts in systems with isotropic tensor, pseudo contact shift, Semiqualitative interpretations of NMR spectra para magnetic molecules, semi qualitative interpretation of contact shifts, applications of isotropic shifts. SECTION-C 11. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Introduction, Principles, The hydrogen atom, Presentation of the spectrum, hyperfine splitting in isotropic systems involving more than one nucleus, Contributions to the hyperfine coupling constant in isotropic systems. Anisotropic Effects : Anisotropy in the g value, epr of triplet states, nuclear quadrupole interaction, line widths, EPR applications. BOOKS 1. R. S. Drago : Physical Methods for Chemists (2nd Edn.) 2. R. Chang : Basic Principles of Spectroscopy. 3. C.N.R. Rao : Chemical Application of Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chem.