Computational Fluid Dynamics - CFD


1- Introduction

        Review of CFD

2- Conservation laws of fluid motions

2-1- Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy

2-2- Navier-Stokes equations

2-3- Classification method for partial differential equations/Classification of fluid flow equations

3- Implementation of computational domain, Boundary conditions and Mesh generation        

4- Turbulence

4-1- Turbulence models

5- Solution methods

5-1- Overview of numerical methods, The Discretization Concept

5-1-1- Finite Difference Method (FDM)

5-1-2- Finite Element Method (FEM)

5-1-3- Finite Volume Method (FVM)

5-2- Properties of numerical schemes

5-3- FVM for diffusion problems, convection-diffusion problems, and unsteady flows

5-4- Pressure-Velocity coupling (SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, and PISO algorithms)

5-5- Segregated vs. coupled solvers-Multigrid solver

5-6- Analysis of CFD predictions and Post-Processing

6- Multiphase flow, Free surface flow, Multicomponents fluids, and Interphase Heat and Mass Transfer

7- Advanced topics and applications in chemical engineering problems



  1. H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekara,”An introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, The Finite Volume Method”, John Wiley, NY, 1995.
  2. S. V. Patankar,” Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980.
  3. V. V. Ranade, “Computational Flow Modeling for Chemical Reactor Engineering” Academic Press, 2002.