Principles of Wireless Communications Implementation and Modelling with Physical-layer approach

course syllabus:

 Introduction (Modelling methodology),

 Generating and processing random signals (Uniform, Gaussian, Rayleigh, etc.),

  Monte Carlo methods (BER estimation, etc. ),

   Methodology for modelling link layer of a wireless system,

   Modelling of wireless channels (waveform channels, SISO & MIMO Multipath fading channel, etc.), Discrete wireless channel models (Markov channel models, etc.),

  Modelling of link layer of wireless and cellular radio systems,

  Modelling of link layer of new generations of wireless systems (LTE)

                            (OFDM modulation, Multicarrier OFDM-TDMA system chain, OFDMA and SC-FDMA, system chain, single user/multiuser, coding techniques, SISO/MIMO coding techniques, Modelling Interference, Link scheduling)


· Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, by William H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugan, Theodore S. Rappaport

· Simulation of Communication Systems: Modeling, Methodology and Techniques, Michel C. Jeruchim, Philip Balaban, K. Sam Shanmugan


For more information and to get access to the course slides, homework and all references please refer to IUT web course at following address:

and search for: Principles of Wireless Communications Implementation and modelling