Introduction, Fundamentals, Fiber classification, Synthetic fibers spinning techniques, Synthetic fibers properties including physical-mechanical properties, tensile, torsion, compression and bending properties, Viscoelastic properties of fibers Creep, Stress relaxation, Time-temperature equivalence, Models of viscoelastic behaviors, Thermal properties of fibers, Relaionship between structure and mechanical properties of crystalline polymers, Relation between chain conformation and Young's modulus, Crystal structure and anisotropic mechanical properties, Polymer chains strength, Fundamentals of rheology for fiber spinning including capillary flow and elongational flow of polymers, Elongational viscosity and shear viscosity, Equations of uniaxial elongational flow, Elongational viscosity measurement, Die swell, Fundamentals of spinning including spinability, hydrodynamic stability, instabilities in fiber spinning, Melt spinning fundamentals including dynamics of melt spinning, melt spinning parameters, heat transfer in melt spinning, Solution spinning, Thermodynamic of polymer solutions, Ternary phase diagram, Coagulation phenomenon, Cross-section of solution spun fibers, Mass transfer in solution spinning