Electromagnetic Fields and Waves













Maxwell’s equations 

Phasor notation and Maxwell’s equations in frequency domain, Constitutive relations and media, parameters, lossy medium, Boundary conditions, Wave equation, simple electromagnetic wave, Retarded potentials, radiation field of a short dipole, Conservation of power and Poynting theorem, Relationship between field and circuit theory

Transmission Lines 

Transmission line equations in time and frequency domain, Transmission line equations from field theory, Lossy transmission lines, Voltages, currents, input impedance, reflection, transmission, characteristic impedance, Impedance transformations, impedance matching, and Smith Chart, Propagation of pulses on transmission lines, zigzag or bounce diagrams, using Laplace transform, Microstrip lines, coaxial lines, two wire lines: design equations, Introduction to S-parameters

Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Plane waves in unbounded medium, Plane waves in lossy medium, Polarization of plane waves, Dispersion and wave velocities, Wave propagation in plasma medium and Drude model for metals

Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves

Normal incidence on conductors and dielectrics, Oblique incidence on conductors and dielectrics: Brewster and critical angles, evanescent waves, Transmission line formalism


Maxwell’s equations for propagating modes in one direction, General properties of electromagnetic modes: TEM waves, TM waves, TE waves, Parallel plate waveguide, Rectangular waveguide, Circular waveguide




1- Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, by S. Ramo,  J. R. Whinnery, and T. VanDuzer, 3rd edition, Wiley.

2- Field and Wave Electromagnetics, by D. K. Cheng, 2nd edition, 1989 Addison-Wesley Publishing 

3- Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, G. Gonzalez, 2nd edition, 1997 Prentice Hall Inc.

4- Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, by E. C. Jordan and K. C. Balmain, 2nd edition, 1968, Prentice-Hall, Inc.

5- Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas, by S. J. Orfanidi, 2008.

6- Engineering Electromagnetics, by U. S. Inan and A. S. Inan, 1999 Addison Wesley Longman Inc.

7- Electromagnetic Waves, by U. S. Inan and A. S. Inan, 2000 Prentice-Hall Inc.

8- Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, by C. A. Balanis, 1989 John Wiley & Sons Inc.

9- Electromagnetic Theory, by J.A. Startton, 1941, McGraw Hill.

10- Microwave Engineering, by D. M. Pozar, 2005, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons.

11-Div, Grad, Curl, and All That: An Informal Text on Vector Calculus, 1996, by H. M. Schey.





