- Maxwell’s equations
- Transmission Lines
- Electromagnetic Plane Waves
- Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves
- Waveguides
- Engineering Electromagnetics, by U. S. Inan and A. S. Inan, 1999 Addison-Wesley Longman Inc.
- Electromagnetic Waves, U. S. Inan and A. S. Inan, 2000, Prentice-Hall Inc.
- Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, E. C. Jordan and K. C. Balmain, 2nd Ed., 1968, Prentice-Hall Inc.
- Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas, S. J. Orfanidis (online book), 2010
- Antenna Theory and Design, W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, 3rd ed., 2012, John Wiley
- Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, S. Ramo, J. R. Whinnery, and T. van Duzer, 3rd edition, 1994 John Wiley
- Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Ed., by D. K. Cheng, 1989 Addison-Wesley Inc.
- Lines, Waves, and Antennas: The Transmission of Electric Energy, R. G. Brown, R.A. Sharpe, W. L. Hughes, R. E. Post, 2nd Ed, John Wiley, 1973
- Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
- Engineering Mathematics