Dr. Mohsen Soleimani

Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology,
+98 311 3911043
+98 311 3912840
Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Group of Environmental Science
Interested In
Soil and Environmental Pollution and Remediation
Phyto- and Bioremediation
Advanced Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering
Monitoring of Environmental Pollution
Air Pollution
Source Apportionment and Modeling
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Keystone rhizospheric diazotrophs may promote the pioneer plant growth in mine tailings 10.1016/j.soisec.2024.100140 1403 01 Journal
Potential of Pinus eldarica Medw. tree bark for biomonitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air 10.1038/s41598-024-56182-3 1402 12 Journal
Phototrophic Nitrogen Fixation, a Neglected Biogeochemical Process in Mine Tailings? 10.1021/acs.est.3c09460 1402 12 Journal
Effect of biological sewage sludge and its derived biochar on accumulation of potentially toxic elements by corn (Zea mays L.) 10.1038/s41598-024-56652-8 1402 12 Journal
بررسي خصوصيات فيزيكوشيميايي باطله ها و خاك معدن سرب و روي باما 1402 11 Conference هجدهمين كنگره علوم خاك ايران
Microbial-mediated oxidative dissolution of orpiment and realgar in circumneutral aquatic environments 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121163 1402 10 Journal
Improving performance of electrospun nylon 6 nanofiber membrane by zeolite nanoparticles for wastewater treatment of herbal essence industries 10.1007/s13762-023-05339-0 1402 09 Journal
بررسي رابطه بين دستيابي زيستي فلزات سنگين با ويژگي هاي فيزيكي،شيميايي و زيستي خاك در كاربري هاي مختلف - 1402 07 Journal
مرور سيستماتيك و متاآناليز بر اثر بخشي بيوچار در اصلاح خاكهاي آلوده به فلزات سنگين در ايران و تعيين فاكتورهاي موثر - 1402 03 Journal
ارزيابي و برآورد انتشار متان از زمينهاي تحت كشت برنج در كشور 1401 12 Conference دهمين همايش ملي آلودگي هوا و صوت