abdolhosseini@iut.ac.ir Google Scholar Office Room 205 Phone +98 31 33913753 Fax +98 31 33912376 Positions Department of Physics Research Interests 2D Materials and Applications Single Photon Emitters Thermoelectric Materials Electronic Structure (DFT and TB) More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Vacancy-related color centers in two-dimensional silicon carbide monolayers 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.056201 Journal Temperature-Frequency Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect Near the TC in the Ni50Mn28Ga22 Alloy in Cyclic Magnetic Fields 10.1007/s40830-023-00453-x Journal Quantum conductance of MoS$$_2$$ armchair strained nanoribbons: a theoretical study 10.1007/s00339-022-06122-7 Journal Prediction of novel two-dimensional Dirac nodal line semimetals in Al<sub>2</sub>B<sub>2</sub> and AlB<sub>4</sub> monolayers 10.1039/D2NR00888B Journal Electronic and interfacial properties of graphene/HfS<sub>2</sub> van der Waals heterostructure 10.1088/2516-1075/ac6b6f Journal Two-dimensional penta-like PdPSe with a puckered pentagonal structure: a first-principles study 10.1039/D1CP04328E Journal Low-Field Magnetoresistance of La0.78Ba0.22MnO3WO3 Composites 10.1007/s10948-021-06126-z Journal Influence of W doping on the structure, magnetism and exchange bias in Ni<sub>47</sub>Mn<sub>40</sub>Sn<sub>13? x </sub>W<sub> x </sub> Heusler alloys 10.1088/1361-648X/ac5311 Journal Cd-doping effects in Ni-Mn-Sn: experiment and ab-initio study 10.1088/1361-6463/ac5f33 Journal Anomalous heat transfer near the martensite-austenite phase transition in Ni50Mn28Ga22(Cu, Zn) (x = 0; 1.5) alloys 10.1016/j.intermet.2022.107491 Journal