Google Scholar Office Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology Phone +98 311 3913480 Fax +98 311 3913471 Positions Professor of Soil Science Research Interests Biogeochemistry of heavy metals and trace elements in soils Dynamics forms and availability of soil nutrients Retention mobility and toxicity of nanoparticles in soils Adsorptive removal of pollutants from water Development and application of slow-release systems of nutrients and agrochemicals Plant-soil-microbe interactions in rhizosphere Phytoremediation of contaminated soils More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Use of Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil phosphorus sorption parameters at the watershed scale 10.1016/j.still.2025.106460 Journal Interactive effects of Ag nanoparticles/nitrate and plant root systems on quality indicators and aggregate stability of two texturally-different soils 10.1016/j.still.2024.106257 Journal Exploring genotypic variation and gene expression associated to cadmium accumulation in bread wheat 10.1038/s41598-024-78425-z Journal Isolation, identification, and application of zinc-solubilizing bacteria exhibiting beneficial traits to promote plant growth and metal uptake 10.1007/s13762-024-06064-y Journal Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes 10.1016/j.stress.2024.100534 Journal Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes # Journal Zinc biofortification of wheat through fertilizer and genotype management 10.1080/01904167.2024.2376252 Journal Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on carbon mineralization kinetics and microbial attributes in plant residue-amended soils 10.1016/j.enmm.2024.100939 Journal Selection of the best nitrogen fertilizer management scenario in wheat based on Palmer drought severity index with an environmental perspective 10.1016/j.eja.2023.126980 Journal Digital mapping of soil phosphorous sorption parameters (PSPs) using environmental variables and machine learning algorithms # Journal