Office Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Phone +98 31 33915356 Fax +98 31 33912451 Positions Associate Professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Interests Electricity Markets and Economics Smart Grid Power System Operation and Planning Optimization Methods Applications More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Temperature-dependent performance of CCGTs: Unit commitment analysis # Journal Adaptive robust self-scheduling for a wind-based GenCo equipped with power-to-gas system and gas turbine to participate in electricity and natural gas markets 10.1049/gtd2.13311 Journal A Resilience Enhancement Planning Framework Capturing Customers' Participation in Distribution Systems 10.1109/TSG.2024.3471783 Journal Coordinated Unbalance Compensation and Harmonic Mitigation in the Secondary Distribution Network Through EVs Participation 10.1109/TSG.2024.3370861 Journal Demand response mechanisms: A new debate on internalizing power generation sector negative technical spillovers 10.1016/ Journal Dynamic investment planning of CVR implementation considering PEVs' reactive power compensation capability 10.1049/gtd2.13115 Journal Dealing With Inefficiencies of Electricity Markets by Internalization of Negative Externalities of the Operational Restrictions of Generating Units 10.1109/tempr.2023.3279129 Journal Incorporating DSO's Situational Awareness in Resilience-Oriented Distribution System Planning 10.1109/TSG.2022.3210451 Journal AC transmission expansion planning based on self-organized criticality to mitigate the risk of cascading blackouts 10.1049/gtd2.12793 Journal Achieving economic efficiency in the electricity markets through internalizing negative externalities 10.1049/gtd2.12816 Journal