m.nasiri@iut.ac.ir Office Golpayegan College of Engineering Phone +98 31 572 40065 Fax +98 31 572 40065 Positions Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Group Research Interests Automation and Control Networked Control Systems Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Simulation Time-delayed systems Flight Dynamics and Control Jet Engine Control Systems More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Delay sensitivity of Smith predictor for real-time hybrid simulation 10.22060/AJCE.2022.19265.5723 Journal Time Delay Compensation for Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of a Turbojet Engine Fuel Control Unit Using Neural NARX Smith Predictor 10.1007/s12555-019-0875-x Journal Stability analysis of real-time hybrid simulation in consideration of time delays of actuator and shake table using delay differential equations 10.1007/s12206-019-0301-6 Journal Time Delay and Data Dropout Compensation in Networked Control Systems Using Extended Kalman Filter 10.22060/miscj.2018.14879.5116 Journal The compensation of actuator delay for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a jet engine fuel control unit 10.1177/0037549714534301 Journal Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for testing of electro-hydraulic fuel control unit in a jet engine application 10.1177/0037549712466153 Journal Time-delay compensation for actuator-based hardware-in-the-loop testing of a jet engine fuel control unit 10.1177/0959651812455908 Journal Actuator-based hardware-in-the-loop testing of a jet engine fuel control unit in flight conditions 10.1016/j.simpat.2011.09.006 Journal Real-time multi-rate HIL simulation platform for evaluation of a jet engine fuel controller 10.1016/j.simpat.2010.12.011 Journal