Google Scholar Office Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran Phone +98 31 33913716 Fax (+98) 31 3391 2376 Positions Associate Professor of Department physics Research Interests QCD SUM RULES LIGHT-CONE QCD FORTH GENERATION TWO HIGGS DOUBLET MODEL More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Semileptonic $B_{s}\to K_0^*(1430)$ transitions with the light-cone sum rules 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.116027 Journal Semileptonic D (s) - A + and nonleptonic D ? K 1 (1270, 1400)pi decays in LCSR # Journal Semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of D into tensor mesons with light-cone sum rule # Journal Analysis of Ds*D*K* and Ds1D1K* vertices in three-point sum rules # Journal Analysis of the semileptonic B to K_1 ell ell-transitions and non-leptonic B to K_1 gamma decay in the AdS/QCD correspondence # Journal Analysis of D_s D K* and D_s D* K* vertices and branching ratio of Bto K*0 pi # Journal Form Factors and Differential Branching Ratio of B to K mu mu- in AdS/QCD # Journal Semileptonic Bs-a1(K1) ll decays via the light -cone sum rules with B-meson distribution amplitudes # Journal Flavor changing neutral current transition of B to a1 with light-cone sum rules # Journal Semileptonic Decays of B(Bs) to Light Tensor Mesons 10.1155/2016/2352041 Journal