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Journal Papers
- Phase-field simulation of crack propagation in particulate nanocomposite materials considering surface stresses; Archive of Applied Mechanics; M. Mesripoor, M. Javanbakht, H. Jafarzadeh; 2024.
- Multi-phase-field approach to fracture demonstrating the role of solid-solid interface energy on crack propagation; International Journal of Fracture; H. Jafarzadeh, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach; 2024.
- Phase field theory for fracture at large strains including surface stresses; International Journal of Engineering Science; H. Jafarzadeh, G. H. Farrahi, V. I. Levitas, M. Javanbakht; 2022.
- Phase-field approach to evolution and interaction of twins in single crystal magnesium; Computational Mechanics; B. Amirian, H. Jafarzadeh, B. E. Abali, A. Reali, J. D. Hogan; 2022.
- Thermodynamically-consistent derivation and computation of twinning and fracture in brittle materials by means of phase-field approaches in the finite element method; International Journal of Solids and Structures; B. Amirian, H. Jafarzadeh, B. E. Abali, A. Reali, J. D. Hogan; 2022.
- Finite element analysis of coupled phase-field and thermoelasticity equations at large strains for martensitic phase transformations based on implicit and explicit time discretization schemes; Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures; H. Rahbar, M. Javanbakht, S. Ziaei-Rad, A. Reali, H. Jafarzadeh; 2021.
- Phase field approach to mode-I fracture by introducing an eigen strain tensor: General theory; Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics; H. Jafarzadeh, H. Mansoori; 2020.
- Experimental analysis on the material properties of A356.0 aluminum alloy surface nanostructured induced by severe shot peening; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance; G. H. Farrahi, H. Jafarzadeh, M. A. Esmaeili; 2020.
- Phase field approach for interaction between crack propagation and phase transformation; Nanoscale; H. Jafarzadeh, V. I. Levitas, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht; 2019.
- Phase field modeling of crack growth with double-well potential including surface effects; Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics; H. Jafarzadeh, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht; 2019.
- Thermodynamically consistent and scale-dependent phase field approach for crack propagation allowing for surface stresses; International Journal of Plasticity; V. I. Levitas, H. Jafarzadeh, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht; 2018.
- On the field modeling of crack growth and analytical treatment on the parameters; Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics; G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht, H. Jafarzadeh; 2018.
Conferences and Talks
- H. Jafarzadeh, O. Shchyglo and I. Steinbach, Multiphase-field approach to hydrogen embrittlement in polycrystalline materials (oral presentation); COUPLED PROBLEMS 2023, 10th International Conference of Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering; June 2023; Chania, Greece.
- H. Jafarzadeh, A. Patton, M. Negri and A. Reali, J-integral consistent phase-field approach to fracture under compressive stresses (oral presentation); MS 2022, 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Solids; November 2022; Porto, Portugal.
- H. Jafarzadeh, V. I. Levitas, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht, Phase field approach to fracture and interaction of fracture and phase transformation (oral presentation); SES 2019, 56th Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Science; October 2019; St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- H. Jafarzadeh, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht, and V. I. Levitas, Investigating new regimes in interaction of fracture and phase transformation: A phase field model (oral presentation); CFRAC 2019, 6th International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures; June 2019; Braunschweig, Germany.
- H. Jafarzadeh, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht, V. I. Levitas; Phase field approach to bridging between atomistic and macroscopic cohesive laws (oral presentation); ISME2019, 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers; May 2019; Tehran, Iran.
- A. Borjali, G. H. Farrahi, H. Jafarzadeh, M. Chizari; Experimental investigation of the effect of sheath on the fixation strength in Bashti Bone Plug Technique (oral presentation, in Persian); ISME2019, 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers; May 2019; Tehran, Iran.
- H. Jafarzadeh; Thermodynamically consistent phase field modeling of interaction between crack propagation and phase transformation (poster); Graduate Research Competition; December 2018; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- H. Jafarzadeh, V. I. Levitas, G. H. Farrahi, M. Javanbakht; Phase field approach to fracture and interaction of fracture and phase transformation (oral presentation); TMS 2018, 147th Annual Meeting and Exhibition; March 2018; Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
The Presenter is underlined.
+ Guest seminar; May 2021; Computational Mechanics & Advanced Materials Group; University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
+ Guest seminar; March 2018; Department of Aerospace Engineering; Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.