a_ghorbani@iut.ac.ir Office Postal Code 84156-83111, Room 4 , Department of Mathematical Sciences Phone +98 311 3913617 Fax +98 311 3912602 Positions Associate Professor of Department of Mathematical Sciences Research Interests Ring theory Module theory More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Modules with epimorphisms on chains of submodules # Journal Some new dimensions of modules and rings # Journal Rings with divisibility on chains of ideals # Journal Indecomposable decomposition and couniserial dimension # Journal On noncommutative FGC rings # Journal Local Dimension of Coatomic Modules # Journal On commutative rings with uniserial dimension # Journal m n)-Algebraically Compactness for Modules and m n)-Pure Injectivity # Journal On left Kothe rings and a generalization of the Kothe-Cohen-Kaplansky theorem # Journal On FC-purity and I-purity of modules and Kothe rings # Journal