lotfi@iut.ac.ir Office Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology,Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran Phone +98 31 3391 1053 Fax +98 31 3391 2840 Positions Assisstant Professor of Environmental Sciences Research Interests Environmental Planning Land Evaluation & Landuse Planning Landscape Ecology Environmental Management Techniques Environmental Impact Assessment More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Beyond immediate relief: Investigating multi-faceted water management in inter-basin water transfer projects # Journal Area-based scenario development in land-use change modeling: A system dynamics-assisted approach for mixed agricultural-residential landscapes # Journal Urban sustainability assessment at the neighborhood scale: Integrating spatial modellings and multi-criteria decision making approaches 10.1016/j.scs.2023.104725 Journal Advancing the mapping of optimal land use structure in industrialized areas: incorporating AERMOD modelling and MCE approach # Journal Modeling Spatial Distribution of Carbon Sequestration, CO2 Absorption, and O 2 Production in an Urban Area: Integrating Ground-Based Data, Remote Sensing Technique, and GWR Model # Journal Spatial modeling of land-use change in a rapidly urbanizing landscape in central Iran: integration of remote sensing, CA-Markov, and landscape metrics 10.1007/s10661-020-08647-x Journal Identifying noise disturbance by roads on wildlife: a case study in central Iran # Journal Heavy Metal Determination in Hair of Livestock in Lakan # Journal Investigation of Lacan soil contamination with heavy metals and their accumulation in the regional plants # Journal Integrating dynamic system analysis and cellular automata for land use change assessment in Isfahan urban area Conference