fbahrami@iut.ac.ir Office no. 21, Department of Mathematical Sciences Phone (+98) 311 391 3616 Fax (+98) 311 391 2602 Positions Department of Mathematical Sciences Research Interests Probabilistic Functional Analysis Majorization Theory More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Semi-doubly Stochastic Operators and Majorization of Integrable Functions 10.1007/s40840-020-00971-2 Journal Operator-valued Bochner integrable functions and Jensen s inequality # Journal Totally probabiistic Lp spaces # Journal Probabilistic Lp spaces # Journal Majorization on l-infty and on its closed linear subspace c and their linear preservers # Journal Linear preservers of majorization on ell_p # Journal Homological Properties of Certain Banach Modules Over Group Algebras 10.1017/S0013091509000728 Journal Some topologies on a Serstnev probabilistic normed space # Journal The Topological Structure of a Certain Menger Space # Journal Existence of a uniform bound for quadrature domians associated to p-Laplacian # Journal