m.mirzaei@iut.ac.ir Office Golpayegan College of Engineering Phone +98 313 57240065 Fax +98 313 57240067 Positions Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Research Interests Data Mining Big Data Software Engineering More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Signed Social Network Vulnerability Analysis in Terms of Clustering coefficient and Balance Theory 10.22034/tjee.2024.59608.4777 Journal A multi-objective optimization approach for overlapping dynamic community detection 10.1007/s00500-024-09895-6 Journal A new approach to modeling and simulating resiliency in multidisciplinary microservice networks 10.1142/S1793962323500113 Journal An empirical analysis for software robustness vulnerability in terms of modularity quality 10.1002/sys.21686 Journal A differential machine learning approach for trust prediction in signed social networks 10.1007/s11227-023-05044-2 Journal Resiliency-aware analysis of complex IoT process chains 10.1016/j.comcom.2022.06.007 Journal An Approach to Modeling and Simulating Resiliency in Multidisciplinary Microservice Networks # Journal DiffPageRank: an efficient differential PageRank approach in MapReduce 10.1007/s11227-020-03265-3 Journal Bayesian-OverDBC: A Bayesian Density-Based Approach for Modeling Overlapping Clusters 10.1155/2015/187053 Journal OverDBC: A new density-based clustering method with the ability of detecting overlapped clusters from gene expression data 10.3233/IDA-150784 Journal