m.tamannaei@iut.ac.ir Office Department of Transportation Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology Phone +98 31 33911403 Fax +98 31 33911400 Positions Associate Professor at Department of Transportation Engineering Research Interests Optimization (Applications in Transportation) Game Theory (Applications in Transportation) Policy Making in Transportation Transportation Network Design Intelligent Railway Transportation Sustainable Transportation More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type A game theoretic approach to designing carbon regulations in a duopoly freight transportation market: Road and multimodal road-rail competitive systems # Journal A Game-theoretic approach to an oligopolistic transportation market: Coopetition between incumbent systems subject to the entrance threat of an HSR service # Journal Locomotive Assignment Problem with Consideration of Infrastructure and Freight Train Constraints: Mathematical Programming Model and Metaheuristic Solution Approaches # Journal Integrated Multi-Level Intermodal Network Design Problem: A Sustainable Approach, Based on Competition of Rail and Road Transportation Systems # Journal Analysis of competition between maritime and multimodal land- sea shipping in an international freight transportation market # Journal A Game Theoretic Approach to Sustainable Freight Transportation: Competition between Road and Intermodal Road-Rail Systems with Government Intervention # Journal An Integrated Production and Transportation Scheduling Problem with Order Acceptance and Resource Allocation Decisions # Journal A Game-Theoretic Approach to the Freight Transportation Pricing Problem in the Presence of Intermodal Service Providers in a Competitive Market # Journal Hub network design for integrated Bike-and-Ride services: A competitive approach to reducing automobile dependence # Journal Multi-agent supply chain scheduling problem by considering resource allocation and transportation # Journal