Office Room 2 , Department of Mechanical Engineering Phone 00983133915242 Fax 00983133912628 Positions Professor of Mechanical Engineeing on Vibration Research Interests Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic and Vibration Analysis Vibration of nano-structures Optimization More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Fracture toughness evaluation of zeolite/polyurethane-filled woven panels 10.5267/j.esm.2023.1.005 Journal Energy harvesting from a nonlinear magnet-piezoelectric multi-frequency converter array 10.1088/1361-665X/ac1e62 Journal Nonlinear vibration analysis of axially moving strings in thermal environment # Journal Mechanical characterization of natural nano-structured zeolite/polyurethane filled 3D woven glass fiber composite sandwich panels # Journal Reduced order surrogate modeling technique for linear dynamic systems # Journal Improving automotive crashworthiness using advanced high strength steels # Journal On the Sensitivity of Nanogripper-Carbon Nanotube Friction to Contact Area # Journal 3D elasticity analytical solution for bending of FG micro/nanoplates resting on elastic foundation using modified couple stress theory # Journal Large deflection of a cantilever beam with multiple geometric and/or material discontinuities under a concentrated end-point load 10.1007/s40430-016-0507-9 Journal Stability analysis of an embedded single walled carbon nanotube with small initial curvature based on nonlocal continuum model # Journal