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Modeling the effect of slope aspect on temporal variation of soil water content and matric potential using different approaches by HYDRUS-1D
Modeling the effect of slope aspect on temporal variation of soil water content and matric potential using different approaches by HYDRUS-1D
A novel simulation model to analyze rice intermittent drying considering glass transition concept
A novel simulation model to analyze rice intermittent drying considering glass transition concept
Preparation of photo-rechargeable asymmetric supercapacitors using S,W-codoped titania: Experimental and theoretical insights
Preparation of photo-rechargeable asymmetric supercapacitors using S,W-codoped titania: Experimental and theoretical insights
Pre-event base flow as a useful indicator for flood forecasting
Novel flower-like magnetic core-shell covalent triazine polymer as a beneficial Direct Scarlet 4BS adsorbent and comprehensive study of the kinetics and isotherm adsorption
Sampled-Data Model-Free Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Piezoelectric Actuators Subject to Time Delay
Numerical study of bacteria removal from microalgae solution using an asymmetric contraction-expansion microfluidic device: A parametric analysis approach
A novel Ir-Ru-based nanoparticle supported on ordered electrochemically synthesized TiO2-nanotube as a highly active and stable oxygen evolution reaction catalyst for water splitting in acidic media
Fabrication of Pd-decorated tungsten oxide nanoflakes for hydrogen sensors via facile anodizing oxidation method
Fabrication of Pd-decorated tungsten oxide nanoflakes for hydrogen sensors via facile anodizing oxidation method
New anthracene-based Oxime-Palladium complexes loaded on albumin nanoparticles, in vitro cytotoxicity, mathematical release mechanism studies and biological macromolecules interaction investigation
Comparison of two different anionic supplements and a low calcium diet fed to transition cows prepartum on DM intake, mineral homoeostasis and performance