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Removal of cationic and anionic dyes using Ca-alginate and Zn-Al layered double hydroxide/metal-organic framework
Removal of cationic and anionic dyes using Ca-alginate and Zn-Al layered double hydroxide/metal-organic framework
An efficient deep learning framework for P300 evoked related potential detection in EEG signal
An efficient deep learning framework for P300 evoked related potential detection in EEG signal
Evaluation of HER and OER electrocatalytic activity over RuO2-Fe2O3 nanocomposite deposited on HrGO nanosheets
Evaluation of HER and OER electrocatalytic activity over RuO2-Fe2O3 nanocomposite deposited on HrGO nanosheets
Synthesis of quinacridone derivative supported on ZnO hexagonal as a new electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
Synthesis of quinacridone derivative supported on ZnO hexagonal as a new electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
Additive manufacturing of PLA-Mg composite scaffolds for hard tissue engineering applications
Three-way catalyst modeling and fuel switch optimization of a natural gas bi-fuel-powered vehicle
Experimental and numerical characterization of hydro-mechanical properties of rock fractures: The effect of the sample size on roughness and hydraulic aperture
Mechanical and microstructural properties of biogenic CaCO3 deposition (MICP) on a specific volcanic sediment (unwelded Tuffs) by Bacillus pasteurii and Bacillus subtilis
High-resolution photogrammetry to measure physical aperture of two separated rock fracture surfaces
Development of a dual sideway-share subsurface tillage implement: Part 1. Modeling tool interaction with soil using DEM
Development of a dual sideway-share subsurface tillage implement: Part 2. Effect of tool geometry on tillage forces and soil disturbance characteristic