Fundamental of Operations Research

Principles of Operations Research

Major topics:

             1– Introduction

             2-Mathematicla modeling

           2-1– Practical models

           2-2– Integer models

           2-3-Mathematical modeling by 0-1 variables

             3– Linear algebra and convex analysis

  3-1-Linear combination and linear independency

  3-2-Matrixes and linear system of equations

3-3-Convex sets and convex functions

4– Convex polyhedrons


4-2– Hyper planes

4-3-Exterem points

4-4-Face of a hyper plane and adjacent extreme  points

5-An introduction to Linear Programming

5-1-Feasible region

5-2– Optimality conditions

5-3– Descriptive solution of LP


    1- "Linear programming and network flows", by Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Jpohn J. Jarvis, Hanif D. Sherali

2- "Introduction to mathematical programming", by wayne L. Winston

3– "Model building in mathematical programming", H.P. Williams


Final Scores

IUT Web Course System

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