
  1. Fathi, M., Mohebbi,M., Varshosaz, J., Shahidi, F., Mirlohi., M. 2012. Production of Novel Nanocarrier for Protection of Food bioactives using Electrostatic Coacervation Method. 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5). 6-9 March 2014, Kish Island, Iran.
  2. Fathi, M., Varshosaz, J., Mohebbi,M., Shahidi, F. 2012. Stability Investigation of Hesperetin Loaded Nanocarriers. Nanothailand, Thailand.
  3. Fathi, M., Mohebbi,M., Razavi, S.M.A. 2011. Application of artificial neural networks, Image analysis and fractal theory to predict shrinkage of osmotically dehydrated kiwifruit. The First Congress on Optimization of Production, Distribution and Consumption in the Food Industry, Gorgan, Iran.
  4. Fathi, M., Mohebbi,M., Razavi, S.M.A. 2010. Genetic algorithm optimization of drying conditions of kiwifruit, 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS), Germany.
  5. Shahidi, F., Mohebbi, M., Ehtiati, A., Noshad M., Fathi, M. 2010. Multi-objective optimization of air-dried banana quality pretreated with osmotic dehydration and ultrasonication using RSM. 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS), Germany.
  6. Ehtiati, A., Shahidi, F., Fathi, M., Noshad, M., Abedini, N. 2010. Application of image processing for analysis color changes during drying of sonicated banana. 19th International Conference of Food Science and Technology, Tehran. Iran.
  7. Fathi, M., Mohebbi, M., Razavi, S.M.A. 2009. Application of image texture analysis for evaluation of osmotically dehydrated kiwifruit qualities. The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Switzerland.
  8. Mohebbi, M., Fathi, M., Shahidi, F. 2009.  ANFIS modeling of viscosity in low-fat mayonnaise. The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Switzerland.
  9. Shahidi , F., Mohebbi, M., Fathi, M., Rezaee, R., Khalilian, S. 2009. Apple pastille: Correlation between features extracted from texture image analysis and sensory characteristics. The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Switzerland.
  10. Razavi, S. M. A., Fathi, M. 2009. Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of grape seed. 5th Congress of Agriculture Machinery and Mechanization, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.